
In: Computer Science

17.11 Worksheet 9A Point - x:double - y:double +Point() +Point(x:double, y:double) +setPoint(x: double y:double):void +setX(x:double):void +setY(y:double):void...

17.11 Worksheet 9A

- x:double
- y:double
+Point(x:double, y:double)

+setPoint(x: double y:double):void


+findDistance(Point point):double
  • Create a class called Point as described below
  • Constructor with no arguments
    • Sets x to 0 and y to 0
  • Constructor with arguments
    • Sets the x and y to the values passed in
  • Get methods (accessors) return the field that the get refers to
  • Set methods (mutators) set the field to the new values passed in to it
  • The print method prints the following for the point (3.54, 5.43).
           The point is (3.5, 5.4).

Below is main.cpp - follow the instructions in the comments

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include "Point.h"
using namespace std;

void loadArray(Point points[], int& numE, string filename);

int main() {

    Point point1 = Point();
    Point point2 = Point(1, 0);
    Point points[50];
    string filename = "points1.txt";
    int numE = 0;
    double totalPoint1 = 0;
    double totalPoint2 = 0;

    loadArray(points, numE, filename);

    totalPoint1 = findTotalDistance(points, point1, numE);
    totalPoint2 = findTotalDistance(points, point2, numE);

    cout << "The total distance from point 1 to the points in the array is " << totalPoint1 << "." << endl;
    cout << "The total distance from point 2 to the points in the array is " << totalPoint2 << "." << endl;

void loadArray(Point points[], int& numE, string filename) {
    ifstream fin;
    double point1;
    double point2;
    numE = 0;;
    if( {
        cerr << "File failed to open" << endl;

    fin >> point1;

    while(!fin.eof() && numE < 50) {
        fin >> point2;
        points[numE].setPoint(point1, point2);
        fin >> point1;

// Write a method called find total distance that finds the distance from a point to every other point in the array. 
// It should return the total of those distances.


Expert Solution

Note: Could you plz go through this code and let me know if u need any changes in this.Thank You

// points1.txt

10 2
3 -4
5 6
7 8
9 -3
4 6
6 8


// Point.h

#ifndef POINT_H
#define POINT_H

class Point
Point(double x,double y);
void setPoint(double x,double y);
void setX(double x);
void setY(double y);
double getX();
double getY();
// Declaring variables
double x;
double y;

// Point.cpp

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "Point.h"


Point::Point(double x,double y)
void Point::setPoint(double x,double y)
void Point::setX(double x)
void Point::setY(double y)
double Point::getX()
return x;
double Point::getY()
return y;

// main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include "Point.h"
using namespace std;

void loadArray(Point points[], int& numE, string filename);
double findTotalDistance(Point points[],Point point1,int numE);

int main() {

Point point1 = Point();
Point point2 = Point(1, 0);
Point points[50];
string filename = "points1.txt";
int numE = 0;
double totalPoint1 = 0;
double totalPoint2 = 0;

loadArray(points, numE, filename);

totalPoint1 = findTotalDistance(points, point1, numE);
totalPoint2 = findTotalDistance(points, point2, numE);

cout << "The total distance from point 1 to the points in the array is " << totalPoint1 << "." << endl;
cout << "The total distance from point 2 to the points in the array is " << totalPoint2 << "." << endl;

void loadArray(Point points[], int& numE, string filename) {
ifstream fin;
double point1;
double point2;
numE = 0;;
if( {
cerr << "File failed to open" << endl;

fin >> point1;

while(!fin.eof() && numE < 50) {
fin >> point2;
points[numE].setPoint(point1, point2);
fin >> point1;

// Write a method called find total distance that finds the distance from a point to every other point in the array.
// It should return the total of those distances.
double findTotalDistance(Point points[],Point point1,int numE)
double totDis=0;
for(int i=0;i<numE;i++)
totDis+=sqrt(pow((points[i].getX() - point1.getX()), 2) + pow((points[i].getY() - point1.getY()), 2));
return totDis;



_______________Could you plz rate me well.Thank You

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