
In: Operations Management

1- A student at UHD heard the following statement made about the Business Cornerstone class. "Oh...

1- A student at UHD heard the following statement made about the Business Cornerstone class. "Oh no!--that teacher is BORING!" Susie realized that this statement does not meet the intellectual standard of __________ and asked more questions before making her mind up about taking that teacher.





2- Based on the information you learned in Blackboard on resumes, you should only go back approximately 10 years in listing jobs on your resume.



3- All reasoning is based on data and information. Which of the following statements are characteristics of skilled thinkers (critical thinkers) with respect to using information and data?

Skilled thinkers do not distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information  

Skilled thinkers draw conclusions supported by accurate information and data

Skilled thinkers gather information that only supports their point of view.

a and b

b and c

4- "No one objects to a physician looking up a difficult case in medical books. Why, then, shouldn't medical students taking a difficult examination be permitted to use their textbooks?"
What fallacy is being committed?


False Analogy


False Dilemma


Straw Man


Post Hoc


Ad Hominem

5- Advertising revenue was falling off for my college newspaper,the Stetson Reporter, and large numbers of long-term advertisers were not renewing contracts. I designed a new promotional packet to go with the rate sheet and compared the benefits of Reporter circulation with other ad media in the area. I also set-up a special training session for the account executives with a School of Business Administration professor who discussed competitive selling strategies.

Based on the information you learned from the Mock Interview in Blackboard, this passage illustrates all the steps the STAR method.




Expert Solution

1. Susie realized that this statement does not meet the intellectual standard of significance and asked more questions before making her mind up about taking that teacher.

The teacher lecturing on business cornerstone class may be boring or engaging depending upon style of lecture delivery as well as capacity of reception of student. So the teacher could be using a technique which could be interesting or 'boring'. Thus a student may be accurate or precise in judging style of delivery of lecture. So these cannot be the reasons of assessment for Susie to continue with more questions before making a decision. Assuming the lecture is boring, this assessment by 'student' is relevant as well. However the importance of information shared by teacher on the topic of Business Cornerstone is what decides for Susie to ask more questions before finally making up her mind to continue or stop. Therefore the adjudication of lecture as BORING may be accurate, precise as well as relevant but it is not significant to continue or leave the lecture.

3. Critical thinkers (skilled thinkers) are looking to utilize information and data for assessment of a matter and give their observations with some conclusions. This requires skilled thinkers to (c) gather information that only supports their point of view and (b) draw conclusions supported by accurate information and data. The whole purpose of critical thinking is to identify a matter from a perspective and give an opinion. An opinion has to lead to a conclusion therefore collection of relevant information to support arguments and usage of accurate data to draw conclusions is necessary. Therefore option B and C is the correct option.

4. The statement creating a (a) false analogy. A comparative between a physician looking for difficult case in medical books to chart correct course of treatment and a medical student writing a difficult test directly using books is being done. The purpose of both acts and the situations are different and a comparative between the two to justify the latter is wrong. In the first case the physician is referring to difficult medical cases to chart a correct course of treatment. Here historical medical cases are being referenced and the capacity of physician to identify most suitable cases relevant to current is under test which can only be successfully done if the physician is competent to identify differences between various cases requiring thorough medical knowledge.

On the other hand, a medical student using a text book in difficult test is an example of cheating. The student is not being tested to differentiate between various complex historical cases, instead the student is being tested for knowledge of the very concepts that will later allow her/him to differentiate between various cases. This is a test of memory coupled with knowledge and not application of knowledge as in the former cases. So a false equivalence is being created.  

5. STAR method implies situation, task, action and result  methodology to deal with a problem. As per the given case, following steps have been taken ;

SITUATION : Advertising revenue is falling for college newspaper, the Stetson Reporter, and large numbers of long-term advertisers were not renewing contracts.

TASK : Make advertisers renew advertising contracts with the newspaper.

ACTION : Designing a new promotional packet to go with the rate sheet and compare the benefits of Reporter circulation with other ad media in the area. (2) Set-up a special training session for the account executives with a School of Business Administration professor who discussed competitive selling strategies.

RESULT : No result of above action has been shared as per the given situation. So while first three steps situation, task and action have been discussed the impact in the form of result is not available. Thus the answer is False.

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