
In: Advanced Math

[Note that, in this example, the mesh sizes in x and y are identical (h); strictly...

[Note that, in this example, the mesh sizes in x and y are identical (h); strictly speaking, this need not be true. In some applications, we may need more resolution along the x- or y-axis; we could then use separate mesh sizes hx and hy.]

By definition, the partial derivative of a function f ( x , y ) with respect to x is

∂ f ∂ x = L i m h ⟶ 0 f ( x i + h , y j ) − f ( x i , y j ) h

and the partial derivative with respect to y is

∂ f /∂ y = L i m h ⟶ 0 f ( x i , y j + h ) − f ( x i , y j )/ h

If we applied these formulas to our grid values, we would get the finite difference expressions

∂ f /d x ( x i , y j ) ≅ f ( x i + 1 , y j ) − f ( x i , y j )/ h

Note: To avoid round-off error, retain at least six decimal places in all of your calculations.

  • Assume the function f is defined as f(x, y) = 3 tan x cos y
  • Use differentiation rules to find the exact partial derivatives ∂ f /∂ x and ∂ f /∂ y , and evaluate those exact partial derivatives at (1.56, -2.1).  
  • Use the finite difference formulas to estimate ∂ f /∂ x and ∂ f/ ∂ y at (1.56, -2.1) for three different values of the mesh size
    • h = 0.01
    • h = 0.001
    • h = 0.0001
  • Use your calculated values to fill in this table:

Estimated partial derivatives using finite difference formulas:


finite difference approx. to ∂ f/ ∂ x

exact ∂ f/ ∂ x

finite difference approx. to ∂ f/ ∂ y

exact ∂ f/ ∂ y




Answer the following questions:

  • For which partial derivative is the finite difference approximation more accurate?
  • Why is the finite difference approximation for the other partial derivative less accurate?  Under what real-world conditions might we see such poor approximations?


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