In: Computer Science
Java program Statement: Provide a user interface to the invoice program in Section 12.3 that allows a user to enter and print an arbitrary invoice. Do not modify any of the existing classes.
..... ..... ..... /**
Describes an invoice for a set of purchased products.
public class Invoice
Adds a charge for a product to this invoice.
@param aProduct the product that the customer ordered
@param quantity the quantity of the product
public void add(Product aProduct, int quantity)
Formats the invoice.
@return the formatted invoice
public String format()
Describes a quantity of an article to purchase.
public class LineItem
Computes the total cost of this line item.
@return the total price
public double getTotalPrice()
Formats this item.
@return a formatted string of this item
public String format()
Describes a product with a description and a price.
public class Product
Gets the product description.
@return the description
public String getDescription()
Gets the product price.
@return the unit price
public double getPrice()
Describes a mailing address.
public class Address
Formats the address.
@return the address as a string with three lines
public String format()
public class Invoice
Adds a charge for a product to this invoice.
@param aProduct the product that the customer ordered
@param quantity the quantity of the product
public void add(Product aProduct, int quantity)
{ LineItem anItem = newLineItem(aProduct, quantity);
Formats the invoice.
@return the formatted invoice
public String format()
String r = " I N V O I C E\n\n"
+ billingAddress.format()
+ String.format("\n\n%-30s%8s%5s%8s\n",
"Description", "Price", "Qty", "Total");
for (LineItem i : items)
r = r + i.format() + "\n";
r = r + String.format("\nAMOUNT DUE: $%8.2f",
return r;
Describes a quantity of an article to purchase.
public class LineItem
Constructs an item from the product and quantity.
@param aProduct the product
@param aQuantity the item quantity
public LineItem(Product aProduct, int aQuantity)
theProduct = aProduct;
quantity = aQuantity;
Computes the total cost of this line item.
@return the total price
public Money getTotalPrice()
Money m = theProduct.getPrice();
for (int i = 2; i <= quantity; i++)
return m;
Formats this item.
@return a formatted string of this item
public String format()
return String.format("%-30s%8s%5d%8s",
theProduct.getDescription(), theProduct.getPrice().format(),
quantity, getTotalPrice().format());
private int quantity;
private Product theProduct;
Describes a product with a description and a price.
public class Product
Constructs a product from a description and a price.
@param aDescription the product description
@param aPrice the product price
public Product(String aDescription, Money aPrice)
description = aDescription;
price = aPrice;
Gets the product description.
@return the description
public String getDescription()
return description;
Gets the product price.
@return the unit price
public double getPrice()
return price;
private String description;
private double price;
Describes a mailing address.
public class Address
Constructs a mailing address.
@param aName the recipient name
@param aStreet the street
@param aCity the city
@param aState the two-letter state code
@param aZip the ZIP postal code
public Address(String aName, String aStreet,
String aCity, String aState, String aZip)
name = aName;
street = aStreet;
city = aCity;
state = aState;
zip = aZip;
Formats the address.
@return the address as a string with three lines
public String format()
return name + "\n" + street + "\n"
+ city + ", " + state + " " + zip;
private String name;
private String street;
private String city;
private String state;
private String zip;
I hope it helps. Refer screenshot for better understanding of syntax