
In: Psychology

Describe in words the nature of the relationship between each pair of variables as indicated by...

Describe in words the nature of the relationship between each pair of variables as indicated by the value of the correlation coefficient. Be sure to include

    a. the direction of the relationship

    b. the strength of the relationship.

    c. a verbal description of the way the variables "go together." Please read the interpretation below, to considered your interpretation complete, you need to write the verbal description with a similar format. The first sentence describes the direction and strength of the correlation. The second sentence describes how the variables correlate and the third sentence explain how one variable affects the other. If any of these sentences are missing on the interpretation, you will not receive any credit for the answers.


r = + .85 between increased caloric intake and body weight.


Interpretation: There is a very strong positive relationship between caloric intake and body weight. As the caloric intake increases the body weight increases. The more calories a person consumes the greater the increase in his/her weight

Using the interpretation above as an example, write the interpretation

1. r = -.96 between craving for pizza and ability to concentrate on studying.

2. r = +.02 between length of marriage and marital satisfaction.

3. r = +.55 between parent and child intelligence test scores.


Expert Solution

1. r = -.96 between craving for pizza and the ability to concentrate on studying.

Interpretation: There is a very strong negative relationship between craving for pizza and the ability to concentrate on studying. As the craving for pizza increases the ability to concentrate on studying decreases. The more people crave for pizza the ability to concentrate on studying become lesser.

2. r = +.02 between length of marriage and marital satisfaction.

Interpretation: There is a positive relationship but it is not strong and significant relationship between length of marriage and marital satisfaction. It is near zero. It means there is no relationship between length of marriage and marital satisfaction. If there is change in length of marriage it will not influence marital satisfaction.   

3. r = +.55 between parent and child intelligence test scores.

Interpretation: There is a very strong positive relationship between cparent and child intelligence test scores. The more parent scores on intelligence the greater the increase child's intelligence. It means those children are more intelligent whose parents are more intelligent.

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