
In: Computer Science

I want Algorithim of this c++ code #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char repeat...

I want Algorithim of this c++ code


using namespace std;

int main()


char repeat = 'y';

for (;repeat == 'y';){

char emplyeename[35];

float basic_Salary,EPF, Dearness_Allow, tax, Net_Salary , emplyee_id;

cout << "Enter Basic Salary : ";

cin >> basic_Salary;

Dearness_Allow = 0.40 * basic_Salary;

switch (01)

{case 1:

if (basic_Salary <= 2,20,00)

EPF = 0;

case 2:

if (basic_Salary > 28000 && basic_Salary <= 60000)

EPF = 0.08*basic_Salary;

case 3:

if (basic_Salary > 60000 && basic_Salary <= 200000)

EPF = (0.17)*(basic_Salary - 60000) + 22300;

Net_Salary = basic_Salary + Dearness_Allow - EPF;

cout<<"Employee Id       : ";


cout<<"Employee Name     : ";


cout<<"EPF               : "<<EPF<<endl;

cout<<"Dearness Allow     : "<<Dearness_Allow<<endl;

cout<<"Net Salary        : "<<Net_Salary<<endl;

cout<<"Do you want to still continue....Yes/No "<<endl;


return 0;}


Expert Solution



2. Assign repeat = 'y'

3. do the steps 3 .1 to 3.13 until (repeat equal to 'y')

                3.1 input "Enter Basic Salary : ", basic_Salary

                3.2 Dearness_Allow = 0.40 * basic_Salary

                3.3 if (basic_Salary <= 2,20,00) then EPF = 0;

                3.4 if (basic_Salary > 28000 and basic_Salary <= 60000) then EPF = 0.08*basic_Salary

                3.5 if (basic_Salary > 60000 and basic_Salary <= 200000) then

                                EPF = (0.17)*(basic_Salary - 60000) + 22300

                3.6 Net_Salary = basic_Salary + Dearness_Allow - EPF

                3.7 Input "Employee Id       : ",emplyee_id

                3.8 Input "Employee Name     : ",emplyeename

                3.9 Display "EPF               : ",EPF

                3.10 Display "Dearness Allow     : "Dearness_Allow

                3.11 Display "Net Salary        : ",Net_Salary

                3.12 Display "Do you want to still continue....Yes/No "

                3.13 Input repeat


Screen shot of the algorithm

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