
In: Computer Science

I want flowchart process for this code c++ _____________________ #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() {...

I want flowchart process for this code c++



using namespace std;

int main()

char repeat = 'Y';
for (;repeat == 'Y';){

char empname[222];

float basicSalary, h_r_a, DearnessAllow, tax, netSalary;

int e_id;

cout<<"\nEmployee Name :";


cout<<"\nEmployee Id :";


cout << "Enter Basic Salary : ";

cin >> basicSalary;

DearnessAllow = 0.30 * basicSalary;

h_r_a= 800;

switch (1)
case 1:
if (basicSalary <= 2,50,000)
tax = 0;
case 2:
if (basicSalary > 250000 && basicSalary <= 500000)
tax = 0.05*basicSalary;
case 3:
if (basicSalary > 500000 && basicSalary <= 1000000)
tax = (0.12)*(basicSalary - 500000) + 12500;
case 4:
if (basicSalary > 1000000)
tax = 1,12,500 + 0.30*1000000;


netSalary = basicSalary + DearnessAllow + h_r_a - tax;

cout<<"\nEmployee Id : "<<e_id<<endl;

cout<<"\nEmployee Name : "<<empname<<endl;

cout<<"\nBasic Salary : "<<basicSalary<<endl;

cout<<"\nHRA : "<<h_r_a<<endl;

cout<<"\nDearnessAllow : "<<DearnessAllow<<endl;

cout<<"\nTax : "<<tax<<endl;

cout<<"\nNet Salary : "<<netSalary<<endl;
cout<<"Do you want to still continue....Y/N"<<endl;

return 0;



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