
In: Computer Science

Q3 Develop a Time class which encapsulates hour ,minute and second data members. Provide overloaded +,...

Q3 Develop a Time class which encapsulates hour ,minute and second data members. Provide overloaded +, -, ++ and - - overloaded operators for Time.


Expert Solution

I have given the program below. I hope it will help you, if you have any query then tell me.

Take care


#include <iostream>

#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

class Time



int second;

int minute;

int hour;


//Paramiterised Constructor

Time(int h, int m, int s=0) {

second = s;

minute = m;

hour = h;


//Default Constructor

Time (){

second = 0;

minute = 0;

hour = 0;


//Notice nothing inside barcket which indicates pre-increment ++.

Time operator ++ ()


Time temp;

//as in the given question for the test data there is no "second" value I am incrementing "minute" as functionality of ++. If wanted same can be done to increment second value also

temp.minute = ++minute;

temp.hour = hour;

if(minute == 60){

minute = 0;

temp.minute = 0;

hour = hour + 1;

temp.hour = temp.hour + 1;


return temp;


// Notice int inside barcket which indicates post-increment ++ .

Time operator ++ (int)


Time temp;

temp.minute = minute++;

temp.hour = hour;

if(minute == 60){

minute = 0;

hour = hour + 1;


return temp;


// Method to set variables of Time

void setvalue(int h, int m, int s=0) {

second= s;

minute = m;

hour = h;


// Method to get Time

Time getvalue(){

Time temp;




return temp;


// Method to print Time

void printvalue()

{ cout << "\n Time = "<< hour << " H " << minute <<" M " <<second << " S " <<"\n"; }


//main function

int main()


Time T1(11,59), T2(10,40);  

cout<< "value of T1";


cout<< "value of T2";


// Operator function is called, only then value of obj is assigned to obj1

Time T3 = ++T1;

cout<< "value of T1 after operator function";


cout<< "value of T3, ie. assigned value of T1 at pre-increment";


// Assigns value of obj to obj1, only then operator function is called.

Time T4 = T2++;

cout<< "value of T2 after operator function";


cout<< "value of T4, ie. assigned value of T2 at post-increment ";


return 0;


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