
In: Computer Science

Part 1 Create a class named Room which has two private data members which are doubles...

Part 1 Create a class named Room which has two private data members which are doubles named length and width. The class has five functions: a constructor which sets the length and width, a default constructor which sets the length to 12 and the width to 14, an output function, a function to calculate the area of the room and a function to calculate the parameter. Also include a friend function which adds two objects of the room class. Part 2 Copy your class definition from the previous Part 1 then write the definitions of the 5 functions which are in your class. Part 3 Write a complete in Visual Studio to test your class and all of its functions. Upload the .cpp file as well as the results of running the program.


Expert Solution

C++ code:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// forward declaration

class Room1;

// class Room declaration

class Room {

    // two private data members, length and width


        double length;

        double width;


    //  constructor which sets the length and width

      Room(int l,int w){

          length = l;

          width = w;


     // default constructor which sets the length to 12 and the width to 14


          length = 12;

          width = 14;


         // function to calculate the area of the room

      double getArea(){

         return length * width;


      //  function to calculate the parameter

      double perimeter(float l, float w){

          return((2*l) + (2*w));


     // friend function declaration

      friend int add( Room , Room1 );


class Room1{


       double length;

       double width;


   // constructor which sets the length and width

      Room1(int l,int w){

            length = l;

            width = w;


     // default constructor which sets the length to 12 and the width to 14


            length = 12;

            width = 14;


     // function to calculate the area of the room

      double getArea(){

        return length * width;


      // function to calculate the parameter

      double perimeter(float l, float w){

        return((2*l) + (2*w));


      // friend function declaration

      friend int add( Room , Room1 );


// Function add() is the friend function of classes Room and Room1

// that accesses the member variables length and width

int add(Room objectA, Room1 objectB)


   return ((objectA.length + objectA.width)+(objectB.length + objectB.width));


// The main function

int main()



    Room R1( 4.5, 8.5 );

    cout << "Area: " << R1.getArea() << endl;

    cout<< "perimeter: " << R1.perimeter(4.5,8.5) <<endl;

    // friend function which adds two objects of the room class

    Room objectA;

    Room1 objectB;

    cout<<"Sum: "<< add(objectA, objectB);


    return 0;



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