
In: Computer Science

Convert the C program shown below to MIPS program. You may choose the $t registers, but...

Convert the C program shown below to MIPS program. You may choose the $t registers, but must correctly apply the $a and $v registers used in function calls. Please do not include an exit syscall in your MIPS solution. Hint: review jr and jal instructions.

int fun( int a, int b ) { if ( a >= b )

           return b + 2*a;

return b + a;

void main() {


int a = 10;
int b = 20;
int c = fun( a, b );


Expert Solution


#load arguements into a0 and a1
addi $a0,$0,10
addi $a1,$0,20
#function call
jal fun
addi $v0,$0,10
#function definition
blt $a0,$a1,else
sll $a0,$a0,1       #2*a
add $v0,$a0,$a1       #b+2*a into v0 for return
jr $ra
add $v0,$a0,$a1       #a+b into v0 for return
jr $ra


Hope this helps

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