
In: Computer Science

Using double precision floating point arithmetic, write a( MIPS )program that will convert input temperatures in...

Using double precision floating point arithmetic, write a( MIPS )program that will convert input temperatures in Fahrenheit to Celsius. The program should prompt the user for a temperature in Fahrenheit and then print the corresponding temperature in Celsius. The formula for the conversion is:

C = 5/9 * (F – 32)


Expert Solution

Answer : please up vote or comment for any query . i will update the same . Thanks

Note : check attached image for output and program

I used MARS Simulator for programming

Program plan :

  1. get user input a double precision stored in $f0
  2. divide 5/9 and store in register
  3. subtract $f0 - 32 (F-32 )
  4. multiply divided value and subtract value and store in $f12 register
  5. now store value in $v0 to print double value
  6. system call to print $f12 value

Program :


   enter : .asciiz "enter farenheit temperature: \n"
   print : .asciiz "temperature in celsius: \n"

   li $v0,4 #load v0 with 4 to print string
   la $a0 , enter #print enter string
   syscall #system call for string print
   li $v0 ,7 #get double value from user
   syscall #user entered value will be stored in $f0
   li $t0, 9 #load 9 in t0
   li $t1 , 5 #load 5 in t1
   li $t2 ,32 #load 32 in t2
   mtc1.d $t0 , $f20 #move 9 to $f20
   cvt.d.w $f20, $f20 #convert into double precision value
   mtc1.d $t1 , $f22 #move 5 to $f22
   cvt.d.w $f22, $f22 #convert into double precision value
   mtc1.d $t2 , $f24 #move 32 to $f24
   cvt.d.w $f24 ,$f24 #convert into double precision value
   div.d $f26 , $f22, $f20 #divide 5/9 and store in $f26
   sub.d $f28 , $f0, $f24 # subtract user entered fahrenheit from 32 (F-32 ) and store in #f28
   mul.d $f12 , $f28 , $f26 #multiply value of $f26 and $f28 and store in $f12

   li $v0,4 #print message which store in print string variable
   la $a0 , print
   li $v0 ,3 #print celsius value which is store in $f12 or you can move in any variable


Output :

Program :

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