
In: Computer Science

convert following C++ code into MIPS assembly: int main() {                                 &

convert following C++ code into MIPS assembly:

int main()


                            int x[10], occur, count = 0;


                               cout << "Type in array numbers:" << endl;

for (int i=0; i<10; i++) // reading in integers


cin >> x[i];       


cout << "Type in occurrence value:" << endl;

                                cin >> occur;


                                // Finding and printing out occurrence indexes in the array

                                 cout << "Occurrences indices are:" << endl;

for (int i=0; i<10; i++)


     If (x[i] == occur)


cout << i << endl;

                                                count ++;            



cout << "Number of occurrences found:" << endl;

                                cout << count;

return 0;



Expert Solution

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Note : check attached image for output ,code compiled and tested in MARS MIPS simulator.

Program Plan :

  1. reserve space of 40 bytes in data section .
  2. declare all string to print in program
  3. run a loop to get input inside array
  4. now get occurence input
  5. run a loop and count how many time occurences found .
  6. print occurences .
  7. terminate program .

Program :

.data#variable section
   x : .space 40           #size 10 and word takes 4 bytes so 10*4 =40 bytes space reserved
   #string declaration
   arrayInput:       .asciiz "Type in array numbers:\n"
   occurencePrompt : .asciiz "Type in occurrence value:\n"
   occurenceIndex : .asciiz "Occurrences indices are:\n"
   occurenceFound : .asciiz "Number of occurrences found:\n"
   .text #code section
       jal main #call main function of program
       #terminate program
       li $v0,10 #syscall 10 to terminate program
.globl main #declare main as global
main: #main function start from here
   la $a0,arrayInput #$a0=address of arrayInput String
   li $v0,4 #syscall 4 to print string
   li $t0,0 #loop count i =0 $t0(i)=0
   la $s0,x #$s0=address of x array
    loop:#loop label
        #$t0==10(length of array) go to endOfLoop label
        beq $t0,10,endOfLoop
        li $v0,5 #read integer input using syscall 5
        syscall #input stored in $v0
        mul $t1,$t0,4 #t1=$t0(loop count i)*4 = 0*4
        add $t1,$t1,$s0 #t1=$t1+base address of array x
        #store value of $v0(user input) at address stored in $t1 register
        sw $v0,0($t1) #store word sw register ,address
        addi $t0,$t0,1 #increment i loop count
        j loop #jump to loop label
endOfLoop: #endof loop label
      la $a0,occurencePrompt #$a0=address of occurencePrompt string
      li $v0,4 #syscall 4 to print string
      li $v0,5 #read user input occurence saved in $v0
      addi $s1,$v0,0 #occurence saved in $s1 from $v0
       la $a0,occurenceIndex #a0=address of occurenceIndex
       li $v0,4
       li $t0,0 #loop index i =0   
       li $t1,0 #count occurence =0
           beq $t0,10,printOccurence#if loop indexi ==10(length of array) go to printOccurence label
           mul $t2,$t0,4 #$t2=$t0*4 (4=word offset)
           add $t2,$t2,$s0 #$t2=$t2+base address of array x
           lw $t3,0($t2) #load value from x[$t0] into $t3
           bne $s1,$t3,skip #if occurence not equal to x[$t0]($t3) go to skip label
           addi $t1,$t1,1 #t1(count)=$t1(count)+1
       skip: #skip label
           addi $t0,$t0,1 #increment loop index i
           j secondLoop #jump to secondLoop
              la $a0,occurenceFound #$a0=address of occurenceFound string
              li $v0,4 #syscall 4 to print string
              addi $a0,$t1,0 #move value of count into $a0=t1(count)
              li $v0,1 #syscall 1 to print integer
      jr $ra #return to address from main function called

Output :

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