
In: Computer Science

DEVELOP A C++ PROGRAM IN PROCEDURAL CODE that will recursively alphabetize a set of strings in...

DEVELOP A C++ PROGRAM IN PROCEDURAL CODE that will recursively alphabetize a set of strings in a user-specified file using the tree sort algorithm explained in the lectures while maintaining a balanced binary tree at all times.

The following will test your program with an input file containing:

Max Hank Jet Frisky Chata Richard Nan Sam Thomas Karen Gerri Ingrid Alan Dana

When done print out the contents of the tree with inorder traversal in a tabular format similar to the following:



















































enhance your program to allow for duplicates in the input data (but do NOT put duplicate entries in the tree). Expand the above table to contain a column for MULTIPLICITY, which keeps track of the number of duplicates encountered for each node in the tree. Turn in a SEPARATE program for this option, called enhance.cpp.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

// Structure for tree
struct Node
   string name;//string of key will be taken from file
   struct Node *lC, *rC; // left and right children
   int height, balance, multiplicity;// height, balance, multiplicity

struct Node* getNode( string realName )// function to the struct Node pointing to getNode
   struct Node* node = new Node;// dynamic allocation of a new node with its' attributes
   node -> name = realName;
   node -> lC = NULL;
   node -> rC = NULL;
   node -> balance = 0;
   node -> multiplicity = 1;
   node -> height = 1;
   return node;

int height( struct Node *root )// Finds height
if ( root == NULL ) return 0;

   return root -> height;

int total( int x, int y ) // Finds total
   return( x > y ) ? x : y; // bitwise operators

struct Node *shiftRight( struct Node *root ) // Shifts to the right
   struct Node *t1 = root -> lC;
   struct Node *t2 = t1 -> rC;
   // Shifting occurs
   t1 -> rC = root;
   root -> lC = t2;
   // height update
   root -> height = total( height( root -> lC ), height( root -> rC ) ) + 1;
   t1 -> height = total( height( t1 -> lC ), height( t1 -> rC ) ) + 1;

   return t1;

struct Node *shiftLeft( struct Node *root ) // Shifts to the left
   struct Node *t1 = root -> rC;
   struct Node *t2 = t1 -> lC;

   // Shifting occurs
   t1 -> lC = root;
   root -> rC = t2;

   // Height update
   root -> height = total( height( root -> lC ), height( root -> rC ) ) + 1;
   t1 -> height = total( height( t1 -> lC ), height( t1 -> rC ) ) + 1;

   return t1;

int balance( struct Node *root ) // Get Balance
   if ( root == NULL) return 0;

   return height( root -> lC ) - height( root -> rC );

struct Node* addNode( struct Node* root, string realName ) // Adds nodes
   if ( root == NULL ) return( getNode( realName ) );

   if ( realName < root -> name ) root -> lC = addNode( root -> lC, realName );

   else if ( realName > root -> name )
       root -> rC = addNode( root -> rC, realName );

       root -> multiplicity++;
       return root;

   root -> height = total( height( root -> lC ), height( root -> rC ) ) + 1;
   int b = balance( root );

                       FOUR IMBALANCES

   // L - L Imbalance
   if ( b > 1 && realName < ( root -> lC ) -> name ) return shiftRight( root );

   // R - R Imbalance
   if ( b < -1 && realName > ( root -> rC ) -> name ) return shiftLeft( root );

   // L - R Imbalance
   if ( b > 1 && realName > ( root -> lC ) -> name )
       root -> lC = shiftLeft( root -> lC );
       return shiftRight( root );

   // R - L Imbalance
   if ( b < -1 && realName < ( root -> rC ) -> name )
           root -> rC = shiftRight( root -> rC );
           return shiftLeft( root );

   root -> balance = balance( root );
   return root;

void balanceSearch( Node *root ) // Finds Balance
if ( root != NULL )
       balanceSearch( root -> lC );
       root -> balance = balance( root );
       balanceSearch( root -> rC );

void spacing( int c ) // tabular formatting
   for ( int i = 0; i < (12 - c); i++ ) cout << " ";

void printInOrder( struct Node *root ) // In-Order Notation
   if ( root != NULL )
       printInOrder( root -> lC );
       cout << "\n " << root -> name;
       spacing( root -> name.length() );

       string left, right;

       if ( root -> lC == NULL ) left = "NULL";

       else left = ( root -> lC ) -> name;
       if ( root -> rC == NULL ) right = "NULL";

       else right = ( root -> rC ) -> name;

       cout << left;
       spacing( left.length() );
       cout << right;
       spacing( right.length() );
       cout << root -> height << " \t " << root -> balance << " \t     " << root -> multiplicity;
       printInOrder( root -> rC );

int main()
   struct Node *tree = NULL;
   string input;     // user input
   ifstream infile; // user-specified file

   cout << "Enter The Requested File: "; cin >> input; input.c_str(), ios :: in );

   while ( !infile.eof() )
       infile >> input;
       tree = addNode( tree, input );

   balanceSearch( tree );
   cout << " Node        Left        Right       Height     Balance     Multiplicity\n";
   printInOrder( tree );
   cout << "\n" ;

   return 0;

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