In: Physics
1. Two people in different inertial reference frames
are observing a ball as it moves through the air. One person claims
to observe the ball to go straight up and then straight down. The
other person claims to observe the ball to move in a parabolic
path. What can we say about these two claims?
a. These two claims are mutually incompatible. The ball
follows only a single path. Either it goes in a straight line up
and down or it goes in a parabolic path. It cannot go in both paths
b. These two claims are mutually incompatible. One of the observers is purposely lying.
c. These two claims are mutually incompatible. One observer needs to have an eye examination to check for a vision problem.
d. These two claims are compatible and are consistent with the laws of physics.
1. Person A is riding in a high speed train car which
also contains two flashlamps (one in the front of the train car and
one in the back of the train car). The train car has a constant
velocity of 150 km/hr south. The two flashlamps are equidistant
from Person A. Both of the lamps give off a flash of light that
arrive at Person A simultaneously. Person B is standing beside the
train track and observes person A and the two lamps. Will Person B
observe the two flashes of light to arrive simultaneously at Person
a. Yes
b. No
c. Don't select this answer.
d. Don't select this answer.
1. Super Physics Dude is training for the Super
Olympics and is able to run really fast. He can run at 0.806 c
(where c is the speed of light which is 3.00 X 10^8 m/s). He is
trying to impress his friend Super Chemistry Lady and waves at her
as run past at 0.806 c. He measures each of his waves to take 1.00
seconds. How long does Super Chemistry Lady measure for each
1.00 seconds
0.592 seconds
1.69 seconds
2.27 seconds
Genererally to avoid such ambiguity we
choose the frame of reference according to which we will define the
motion of the body. But there is no hard and first rule about this
choice. Like in the above given example we can tell that the path
of the body is a straight line with respect to B or we may tell
parabola with respect to C.
Note: if we choose moving reference frame then we have to use pseudo force in the direction opposite to the actual motion of the body.