
In: Computer Science

Linux Question: Describe how you created above file and its contents in VI. a) Bash/VI commands:...

Linux Question: Describe how you created above file and its contents in VI.

a) Bash/VI commands: 20pts;

b) Non-brute-force solution: 10pts).

Note: Brute-force solution means that entering characters one by one

Install JDK 1.8 by the following command: $ sudo dnf –y install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel.x86_64

Use VI to create a file “” (e.g., “”) and add the following contents into it.

(grading details: file name format:10 pts, a screenshot of the file content in the VI environment: 10pts, paragraphs: 10pts, empty lines and indentations: 10, text: 10pts)

import java.util.Scanner; // Import the Scanner class

class CynthiaHomework {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner myObj = new Scanner(; // Create a Scanner object

System.out.println("Enter your first name");

String fName = myObj.nextLine(); // Read user input of the first name

System.out.println("Enter your last name");

String lName = myObj.nextLine(); // Read user input of the last name

System.out.println("Hello " + fName + “ “ + lName); // Output user input



To compile the above java code, run the following command (you need to use your java file name): $ javac

To execute the java program, run the following command $ java MollyHomework


Expert Solution

To do the stated commands follows the instructions:

1.Intially open the command prompt by using

  1. Open the command prompt. Follow the menu path Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
  2. Type: java -version and press Enter on your keyboard. Result: A message similar to the following indicates that Java is installed and you are ready to use MITSIS via the Java Runtime Environment.

then you are set to go.

2. Now type in

$ mkdir javaprograms

$ cd javaprograms

$ vi

The cmd will open the file for you and then paste the code in the file:

import java.util.Scanner; // Import the Scanner class

class CynthiaHomework {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner myObj = new Scanner(; // Create a Scanner object

System.out.println("Enter your first name");

String fName = myObj.nextLine(); // Read user input of the first name

System.out.println("Enter your last name");

String lName = myObj.nextLine(); // Read user input of the last name

System.out.println("Hello " + fName + “ “ + lName); // Output user input



to move out of the vi editor:

Quit the vi editor by saving your changes

  1. To save a file, you must first be in Command mode. Press Esc to enter Command mode, and then type :wq to write and quit the file.

And back to the cmd and type in

$ javac

If there are any errors then it will show or else continue..

$ java

And then it will show the output.

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