
In: Computer Science

Part 2 – Scripting Goals:  Write a bash script  Use linux shell commands within...

Part 2 – Scripting
 Write a bash script
 Use linux shell commands within your script
 Provide user feedback
 Use loops
 Use conditionals
Remember to use chmod +x to make your file executable!
Each script is 5 points in the Specifications portion of the rubric. Don’t forget to maintain good standards and comments.
Script 1 – Echo-back some information
Write a script name that will take the user’s first name as a command line argument and say hello!
Use Case: ./ Bob
Output: Hello Bob, I am a BASH script!
Script 2 – Make a Backup Folder
Write a short script named this script will make a backup of a folder given through the command line. This script should take in two parameters, but have multiple options use If-Statements to make it work.
Use Cases:
./ Archive
o Creates a backup folder named Archive_bak with all contents
./ –t Archive
o Creates a backup folder named with a date stamp (using +%F) and the name:
 2018-08-04_Archive
 date +%F gives the appropriate date stamp
./ Archive –t
o Same result as above
./ Archive ArchiveBackUpFolder
o Creates a backup folder named ArchiveBackUpFolder with all contents


Expert Solution

Script 1. Open a text editor such as gedit, write the following contents and save the file as


       echo " Hello $1, I am a BASH script! "  


It is a simple shell script that uses the echo command to print a message along with the arguments given in the terminal.

So, now perform chmod +x to make the file as executable file.

Then Run the file using ./ Bob to get the desired answer which is Hello Bob, I am a BASH script!

In the given shell we have passed one argument therefore script uses $1 as a variable to store the first argument passed through the terminal. Similarly $2 is used when two arguments are passed and we need to use the second argument along with the $1 for the first argument, ......etc.

Moreover, if you want to take all the arguments together, then use $* in the shell script.


Script 2.      Again write and save the following lines of shell command that together form a shell script, in a text file named as

     if[ $2 -eq 0 ] 
         DestFolder= "$2_bak"
         mkdir DestFolder
         cp -r SourceFolder DestFolder 
    if [ $2 -eq "Archive" -a $1 -eq "-t"]
        DateStamp= $(date +"%F") 
        DestFolder= "$DateStamp_$2"
        mkdir DestFolder
        cp -r SourceFolder DestFolder 
    if [ $2 -eq "-t" -a $1 -eq "Archive"]
       DateStamp= $(date +"%F")
       DestFolder= "$DateStamp_$1"
       mkdir DestFolder
       cp -r SourceFolder DestFolder 

   if [ $2 -eq " ArchiveBackUpFolder " -a $1 -eq "Archive"]
         DestFolder= "$2"
         mkdir DestFolder
      cp -r SourceFolder DestFolder

Therefore, in this shell script we have used $1 and $2 to take the first and second arguments given through the terminal and simply used the if condition to select among the conditions. mkdir is used to create a directory for the destination folder and cp -r is used to copy the contents of the source folder in to the destination recursively.

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