
In: Computer Science

Hi guys, I'm working on an assignment for my Java II class and the narrative for...

Hi guys, I'm working on an assignment for my Java II class and the narrative for this week's program has me a bit lost. I've put the narrative of the assignment in the quotation marks below.

" Included with this assignment is an encrypted text file. A simple Caesar cipher was used to encrypt the data. You are to create a program which will look at the frequency analysis of the letters (upper and lowercase) to help “crack” the code

A simple Caesar cipher was used to encrypt the data. You are to create a program which will look at the frequency analysis of the letters (upper and lowercase) to help “crack” the code. To help a bit: Using their ASCII codes, a Caesar cipher was used to encrypt uppercase letters, uppercase letters, and digits. This means the shift for uppercase letters forces the encrypted data to still be in the A-Z range. Lowercase letters will still be in the a-z range, and digits will be in the 0-9 range.

Your job is it so create a frequency analysis of the alphabetic characters in the file. To do this: Read a record from the file, look at each character in the record, count the frequency for each letter A-Z and a-z. You can use an array to keep the counts. Display the frequency distribution (percentage for each letter) in a GUI. "

So to put this frankly, I'm a bit lost. I know how to read the file, but I'm having a mini-stroke figuring out how to count all of the characters and their frequency. This is what I've got to read the file.

BufferedReader inFile = null;

PrintWriter outFile = null;



inFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("filename.csv"));

outFile = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("filelines.txt"));

String readData;

System.out.println ("---OUTPUT FILE BEING PRODUCED---\n");

int[] freqs = new int[26];

while ((readData = inFile.readLine()) != null)







System.out.println ("\n\n---PROCESSING COMPLETED---\n");

if (inFile != null)




if (outFile != null)





Can anyone offer any insight/tips in how to go about this? Thanks for reading!


Expert Solution

Here is the solution if you have any doubt then please write in the comment section.

Please give feedback.

Solution: I have written comments for each line for better understanding.

I have provided two solution:

1st which is used in program is : storing frequency of uppercase and lowercase seperately using array of size 123

2nd which is commented after program is : storing frequency of uppercase and lowercase combinely in the array of length 27

public class Main
    //main method throws IOException because IOException is checked Exception
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
            //BufferedReader and PrintWriter reference variables
                BufferedReader inFile = null;
                PrintWriter outFile = null;
                    //open files in read and write mode respectively
                        inFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("filename.csv"));
                        outFile = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("filelines.txt"));
            //String to store the line from file
                        String readData;
            //print msg
                        System.out.println ("---OUTPUT FILE BEING PRODUCED---\n");

            /*declare array of size 123 because ascii of a-b in the range 97-122
            and ascii of A-B is in the range 65-90, and here i am storing 
            frequency seperately for lowercase character and uppercase character
            so if you want to store frequency of both lowercase and uppercase
            together i mean (Case insensitive) then you can use modulo to store
            the frequency in the array of range 26 i will provide the same 
            implementation seperately so you can use anyone which you want*/
            /*Here 65 index of array is to store frequncy of Capital A and 66 
            for Capital B and so on */
                        int[] freqs = new int[123];
                        /*count to store total number of character, i am counting only 
                        digits and alphabetic character*/
            int count=0;
            //read from file until there is data in the file
                        while ((readData = inFile.readLine()) != null)

                            //loop to iterate through all character in a single line of file 
                            for(int i=0;i<readData.length();i++)
                                /*if character is alphabetic [we are checking using ascii ]
                                then add frequency in the array*/
                                    //increment count
                                    //increment frequency of particular alphabate  
                                //if character is digit then increment only count
                                else if(readData.charAt(i)>=48&&readData.charAt(i)<=57)


                        //printing frequency of characters in file for your understanding
                        for(int i=65;i<=90;i++)
                            char ch=(char)i;
                            outFile.println(ch+" "+freqs[i]);
                        for(int i=97;i<=122;i++)
                            char ch=(char)i;
                            outFile.println(ch+" "+freqs[i]);
                        //printing total count
                        outFile.println("Total Count: "+count);

                catch(IOException e)



                        System.out.println ("\n\n---PROCESSING COMPLETED---\n");

                        if (inFile != null)




            if (outFile != null)




                System.out.println("Hello World");

/*  This procedure is for if you want that frequency of a and A will be treated
    as same
int[] freqs = new int[27];
                        /*count to store total number of character, i am counting only 
                        digits and alphabetic character*/
            int count=0;
            //read from file until there is data in the file
                        while ((readData = inFile.readLine()) != null)

                            //loop to iterate through all character in a single line of file 
                            for(int i=0;i<readData.length();i++)
                                /*if character is alphabetic [we are checking using ascii ]
                                then add frequency in the array*/
                          /*      if((readData.charAt(i)>=65&&readData.charAt(i)<=90))
                                    //increment count
                                    //here modulo 65 used so that A will have frequency at
                                    //index 1 and B will have frequency at index 2 and so on  
                                else if(readData.charAt(i)>=97&&readData.charAt(i)<=122)
                                    //increment count
                                    //here modulo 97 used so that a will have frequency at
                                    //index 1 and b will have frequency at index 2 and so on
                                //if character is digit then increment only count
                                else if(readData.charAt(i)>=48&&readData.charAt(i)<=57)



Input and Output:



output file: filelines.txt

A 2
B 1
C 3
D 0
E 4
F 0
G 0
H 0
I 0
J 0
K 0
L 0
M 0
N 0
O 0
P 0
Q 3
R 3
S 0
T 1
U 0
V 2
W 4
X 2
Y 1
Z 0
a 1
b 2
c 2
d 1
e 1
f 2
g 2
h 2
i 0
j 0
k 0
l 0
m 0
n 0
o 0
p 0
q 0
r 0
s 0
t 2
u 1
v 0
w 0
x 1
y 2
z 0
Total Count: 45

If you have any type of doubts then please write in the comment section, I will feel happy to help you.

Please give feedback.

Thank You!

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