Quantitative safety analysis can only provide information
regarding statistics that are implemented in the respective
operating environment. Quantitative analysis does not look through
the aspect of Words mean ethical or unethical or any specific
possible damage that could occur. And safety should only be
dependent on qualitative analysis as human prevention is necessary
to understand the criteria of safety which cannot be obtained by
any kind of quantitative analysis. Due to excessive availability of
quantitative analysis tools overall implementation of the structure
where proper analysis can only be done by human intervention.
Statistical and quantitative plant safety analysis provide
information based on the required data which is usually done at the
previous state. Qualitative analysis can be done actively which
directly increases the overall reliability of the safety
implementation of any organisation as manufacturing plants are
prone to ever changing environment of operation where consistent
availability of understanding safety standards are very necessary.
Implementation of corrective measures on the basis of the intensity
of specific criteria implemented in the specific organisational
structure would also be one of the main approaches that is used in
the respective environment.
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