In: Chemistry
4- Methylcyclohexanol is more polar than 4- methylcyclohexane. Dipole moment is a vectror quantity, when a molecule is formed by two atoms with different electronegetivities. Oxygen atm is highly electronegetive , so the compound 4-Methylcycloheanol it is highly polar due to presence of -OH group . But in 4-methylcyclohexane only -CH3 group is present. As sp3 carbon is less electronegetive, therefore the compound is less polar.
4- Methylcyclohexanol
1. three proton singlet (due to methyl group) upfield
2. one proton singlet ( due to - OH group, downfield)
3. one proton triplet ( attach in C4 )
4. two proton doublet (for the hydrogen close to -OH group, downfield)
5. two proton doublet 7.2 (for the
hydrogen close to -CH3 group, upfield)
4- Methylcyclohexane (total 5 different signals)
1. three proton singlet (due to methyl group, upfield)
2. one proton triplet ( attach in C1 )
3. two proton triplet ( C2 and C6)
4. two proton triplet (C3 and C5)
5. one proton triplet (C4)
4- Methylcyclohexanol
1. near to 3330 cm-1 for -OH group,
2. 2996 cm-1 C-H streching.
4- Methylcyclohexane
1. close to 3000 cm-1 C-H streching for cyclohexane
2. 2872 cm-1 for C-H streching for -CH3 group
4- Methylcyclohexanol
It will give a base peak of m/z= 57 , and by loosing water it will give another intense peak m/z= 96
4- Methylcyclohexane
It will give a base peak of m/z = 70, by the loss of ethylene