
In: Accounting

QUESTIONS 1.What are the key procedures you would perform regarding client acceptance? Where would you get...


1.What are the key procedures you would perform regarding client acceptance? Where would you get the data? Use the format by listing under each:

PROCEDURE                                                       DATA

2. Williams Gens, an audit partner with your firm, has selected you to prepare a memo regarding the acceptance of CBA as an audit client. The audit will, if accepted, occur during the firms’s slow season when there is excess employee capacity.

Consider the following category:

1.      The predecessor auditor explained that, due to disagreements on the application of GAAP, CBA Inc. chose to engage another auditing firm. The auditor, fearing Litigation would not specify the specific area of disagreement.

2.      CBA regularly pays its accounts payable 30-60 days late.

3.      Management turnover has been excessive.

4.      CBA is in a highly regulated, competitive industry.

5.      Account Receivable turnover is 43 days.

Requirement for question 2:

What are the procedures that you would undertake for each of the category 1-5?


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Williams Gens, an audit partner with your firm, has selected you to prepare a memo regarding the acceptance of CBA as an audit client. The audit will, if accepted, occur during the firms’s slow season when there is excess employee capacity.

Procedures that you would undertake for categeories (1-5) :


(1) : The reviewer ought to play out an investigation to decide the degree of the suit and particular regions of the difference and its effect on acknowledgment of the review. The investigation will be useful in acquiring dependable confirmation and appraisal of the respectability and dependability of the supervisor in the key issues, for example, the particular prosecution concerns.

(2) :The examiner need to survey the terms concurred with the providers and play out an explanatory audit to know the nature and stretch out of the organization paying its records payable late. On the off chance that punishments are charged for the late installment at that point must give a legitimate purpose behind such postponement. An affirmation from administration ought to likewise be gotten

(3) : To evaluate whether the administration turnover has been unreasonable the inspector should direct an exhaustive review techniques including reports assessment, recalculation and re-execution to know the exactness of the administration turnover. On the off chance that there are any deviations should gather suitable and adequate confirmation for the distinctions recognized

(4) : For assessing the idea of directions and enactments that limits the tasks of CBA in its focused industry, both logical methods and outside affirmation can be utilized to know the data precision that groups the organization under an aggressive industry.

(5) : The reviewer must can direct investigation and recalculation strategies on the record adjusts of record receivables, remittance for awful obligations, and awful obligation costs The firm can set up a maturing examination and break down the approaches consolidated by the substance for gathering obligation. It will help in deciding the impacts of the arrangement on the general liquidity of the firm. The organization ought to have records of sales period that are short.

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