
In: Computer Science

In this programming assignment, you will write a program that reads in the CSV file (passenger-data-short.csv),...

In this programming assignment, you will write a program that reads in the CSV file (passenger-data-short.csv), which contains passenger counts for February 2019 on 200 international flights. The data set (attached below) is a modified CSV file on all International flight departing from US Airports between January and June 2019 reported by the US Department of Transportation. You write a program that give some summary statistics on this data set.

  • Create a header file named flights.h. In this file, you will do the following:

    • Include the header guards
    • Declare a struct named Flight. It will have the following data members: origin (a 3 letter airport code), destination (a 3 letter airport code), airline (a 2 letter airline code), and passengers (a count of the passengers on that flight). Remember that a C-style string needs to have one extra null character at the end.
    • Write a preprocessor directive to represent a constant value for an array size. Name it NUM_FLIGHTS and give the replacement value 200.
    • There will be no separate source file for this header file.
  • Write the main() that will do the following:

    • Read in the name of the file through the command line argument. If the argument is not there, print out the error message: ERROR NO ARGS and end the program.
    • Open the file for reading. If the file does not open, print out the error message: ERROR FILE NOT OPEN and end the program.
    • Dynamically allocate an array of 200 Flight struct objects.
    • Read in and parse the CSV into this array.
    • Ask the user to enter a two letter airline code. Then, traverse the array and count two things: the number of flights that airline operates and the total number of passengers for those flights.
    • Close the file and free the dynamic array when you are done.
    • The output must look exactly like below in terms of formatting. There is only one space after the colon.
airline: BA
flights: 7
passengers: 268474

Save your files as main.c, and flights.h and upload them below for grading.

In C please


Expert Solution

// File name: flight.h
#ifndef FLIGHT_H
#define FLIGHT_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define NUM_FLIGHTS 200

// Defines structure Flight
struct Flight
// Data member to store data
char origin[4];
char destination[4];
char airline[3];
int passengers;
};// End of structure


// File Name: main.c
#include "flights.h"

/** Function to read file contents and stores it in array of object
* @param fileName name of the input data file
* @param flights[] an array of object to store flight records read from the file
* @return the number of flights records read
int readFlight(char fileName[], struct Flight flights[])
// To store a record read from file
char record[100];
// Loops variable
int c, d;

// Counter for number of records
int counter = 0;

// Opens the file pointer to open the file flight.txt in read mode
FILE *rFile = fopen(fileName, "r");

// Opens the file in write binary mode and
// checks if file is unable to open for writing then display error message
// Stop the program
if (rFile == NULL)
printf("Error! opening file %s for reading.", fileName);
}// End of if condition

// Loops till end of the file
while (!feof(rFile))
// Extracts a record
fgets(record, 50, rFile);

// Loops 3 times to store origin of flight
for(c = 0; c < 3; c++)
flights[counter].origin[c] = record[c];
// Stores null character at the end
flights[counter].origin[c] = '\0';

// Loops 7 times to store destination
// d is for destination index, c is for record index
for(d = 0, c = 4; c < 7; c++, d++)
// Extracts c index position character from file and stores it at d index position of destination
flights[counter].destination[d] = record[c];
// Stores null character at the end
flights[counter].destination[d] = '\0';

// Loops 7 times to store destination
// d is for destination index, c is for record index
for(d = 0, c = 8; c < 10; c++, d++)
// Extracts c index position character from file and stores it at d index position of destination
flights[counter].airline[d] = record[c];
// Stores null character at the end
flights[counter].airline[d] = '\0';

// Extracts the last part i.e., passenger number from record
strncpy(record, record + ++c, strlen(record));
// Converts the passenger number to integer and stores it at counter index position
flights[counter].passengers = (atoi(record));
// Increase the record counter by one
counter += 1;
}// End of while loop

// Close the file

// Returns number of records
return counter;
}// End of function

/** Function to display flight information
* @param flights array of object of structure type Flight
* @param len number of records
void showFlightInformation(struct Flight flights[], int len)
int c;
printf("\n\n ********************** Flight Information ********************** \n");
// Loops till number of flights record
for(c = 0; c < len; c++)
// Displays each record
printf("\n Origin: %s \n Destination: %s \n Airline: %s \n Passengers: %d\n", flights[c].origin,
flights[c].destination, flights[c].airline, flights[c].passengers);
}// End of function

/** Function to display report
* @param flights array of object of structure type Flight
* @param len number of records
void showReport(struct Flight flights[], int len)
// To store the airline name entered by the user to search
char airlineName[5];
// To store total flight and total passenger
int totalFlight = 0, totalPassenger = 0;
int c;

// Accepts airline name
printf("\n Enter the airline name: ");
scanf("%s", airlineName);

// Loops till number of flights record
for(c = 0; c < len; c++)
// Checks if user entered airlineName is equals to current index
// position airline name
if(strcmp(airlineName, flights[c].airline) == 0)
// Increase the flight counter by one
// Adds the current index position passengers to totalPassengers
totalPassenger += flights[c].passengers;
}// End of if condition
}// End of for loop
printf("\n\n ********************** Flight Report for %s ********************** ", airlineName);
// Displays the report
printf("\n Airline: %s", airlineName);
printf("\n Flights: %d", totalFlight);
printf("\n Passengers: %d", totalPassenger);
}// End of function

// Main function definition
int main(int argc, char *data[])
// Creates an array of object of type Flight of size NUM_FLIGHTS
struct Flight flights[NUM_FLIGHTS];
// To store number of records
int len;

// Checks if number of command line argument is less than 2
// then display error message and stop the program
if(argc < 2)
printf("\n ERROR NO ARGS and end the program.");
}// End of if condition

// Otherwise file name given
// Calls the function to read the file by passing file name and array of object
// Stores the returned number of records
len = readFlight(data[1], flights);
// Calls the function to display all the records
showFlightInformation(flights, len);
// Calls the function to display records based on user choice of airline
showReport(flights, len);
}// End of else
return 0;
}// End of main function

Sample Output 1: (No file name provided at command line argument)

ERROR NO ARGS and end the program.

Sample Output 2: (File name provided at command line argument)

********************** Flight Information **********************

Origin: CCA
Destination: DDA
Airline: BA
Passengers: 110

Origin: NAT
Destination: TAT
Airline: BA
Passengers: 100

Origin: CCA
Destination: DDA
Airline: MA
Passengers: 90

Origin: NAT
Destination: CCA
Airline: SA
Passengers: 70

Origin: CCA
Destination: RCA
Airline: MA
Passengers: 70

Origin: NAT
Destination: RCA
Airline: SA
Passengers: 150

Origin: DDA
Destination: NAT
Airline: BA
Passengers: 55

Enter the airline name: BA

********************** Flight Report for BA **********************
Airline: BA
Flights: 3
Passengers: 265

flight.txt file contents


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