
In: Computer Science

Create a program that parses a CSV file of product data and prints the items with...

Create a program that parses a CSV file of product data and prints the items with a price that is less than or equal to that input by the user. • Your program should take two arguments: an input file to process and a price limit. • Print only the names of each item to stdout that have a price less than or equal to the given limit. • If the given file does not exist or cannot be opened, warn the user by printing "CANNOT OPEN FILE." to stdout. • Save your code as prob3.c.

Example Run

$ ./a.out prices.csv 199.99

MSI X470 Gaming Plus

Corsair DDR4 Memory


Expert Solution


#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

   FILE *fp;
   char name[100],value[100],c;
   int flag,i=0,j=0;
   float v,amt;
       fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
       if(fp == NULL)
           fprintf(stderr, " can't open %s\n", argv[1]);

           while((c = getc(fp)) != EOF )
               if(c!=',' && flag==1)
               else if(c=='\n')



   return 0;



samsung tv,2500.00
lllg tv,32000.50
onida tv,150000.0
acer laptop,5600.0
dell lap,18000.80

$ ./a.out product.csv 25000.00

samsung tv

acer laptop

dell lap

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