
In: Computer Science

In this assignment you will write a PHP program that reads from a data file, creates...

In this assignment you will write a PHP program that reads from a data file, creates an associative array, sorts the data by key and displays the information in an HTML table.

Create a PHP file called hw4.php that will do the following:

- Display your name.
- Read text data from a file. The data file is hw3.txt.

The file hw3.txt will hold the following text:

PQRParrot, Quagga, Raccoon
DEFDo statements, Else statements, For statements
GHIGeese, Hippos, If statements
YZ Yak, Zebra
JKLJelly Fish, Kudu, Lynx
MNOManatee, Nautilus, Octopus
ABCApples, Boas, Cats
VWXVulture, While statements, Xmen
STUSea Horse, Tapir, Unicorn

- Take the first three characters of each line read as the key and the rest of the line as the value or data.
- Create an associative array with the key and data.- Once all the data is in the array, sort the array by the key.
- Display the data as an HTML table. Below is what your finished table should look like.

Key Data
ABC Apples, Boas, Cats
DEF Do statements, Else statements, For statements
GHI Geese, Hippos, If statements
JKL Jelly Fish, Kudu, Lynx
MNO Manatee, Nautilus, Octopus
PQR Parrot, Quagga, Raccoon
STU Sea Horse, Tapir, Unicorn
VWX Vulture, While statements, Xmen
YZ Yak, Zebra

- Use repetition to complete this assignment.


Expert Solution


PHP file called hw4.php

<!-- Display name -->
Name :XZY
$fn = fopen("hw3.txt","r");

while(! feof($fn)) {
   // getting complete line of the file, line-by-line
   $line = fgets($fn);
   // getting first three characters of the line using function 'substr()'
   $field = substr($line, 0, 3);
   // getting remaining characters of line after first 3 characters
   $data = substr($line, 3);
   // Creating an associative array with these
   $arr[$field] = $data;  
       // sort the associative array by key, using function 'ksort()'
       <!-- Creating a table and printing array key , value pair in each row -->
       <table align="left" border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
           foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
               echo "<tr>";
               echo "<td>".$key."</td>"."<td>".$value."</td>";
               echo "</tr>";

Screenshot of Output:


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