
In: Computer Science

C Language - Programming Write a function that takes an array of ints, and the size...

C Language - Programming

  1. Write a function that takes an array of ints, and the size of the array – another int. It also returns a double. Call this one ‘average.’ Return a double that is the average of the values in the array. Demonstrate that it works by finding the average of an array with these values {78, 90, 56, 99, 88, 68, 92}
  2. Write a function that takes one double parameter, and returns a char. The parameter represents a grade, and the char represents the corresponding letter grade. If you pass in 90, the char returned will be ‘A’. If you pass in 58.67, the char returned will be an ‘F’ etc. Use the grading scheme on the syllabus for this course to decide what letter to return.
  3. Write a function that takes 3 int arguments and returns the largest of the 3.

Can you please post the output here as well Thank you

C Language


Expert Solution


Source code:

#include <stdio.h>
double average() /*here we create function average for calculate average of array*/
int n,i,total=0;
double avg;
printf("Enter the size of array\n");
scanf("%d",&n); /*here we take size of array from user*/
int a[n];
printf("Enter the element of array\n");
scanf("%d",&a[i]); /*here we take value of array from user*/
total=total+a[i]; /*here we do sum of element in array*/
avg=total/n; /*here we calculate average*/
return avg; /*here we return avg*/
int main()
double value;
value=average(); /*here we call average function*/
printf("average of entered element in array is %lf",value);
return 0;



Source code:

#include <stdio.h>
char grade(double c) /*create function for decide grade*/
{ double a;
char ch;
if(a>=90) /*check if a >90 than return A*/
return ch;
if(a<90 && a>80) /*check if a <=90 and a>80 than return B*/
return ch;
if(a<=80 && a>70) /*check if a <=80 and a>70 than return C*/
return ch;
if(a<=70 && a>65) /*check if a <=70 and a>65 than return D*/
return ch;
if(a<=65 && a>58.67) /*check if a <=65 and a>58.67 than return E*/
return ch;
if(a<=58.67) /*check if a <=58.67 than return F*/
return ch;

int main()
{ char grade(double b1);
double s;
char g;
printf("Enter a Score :");
scanf("%lf",&s); /*take input from user for getting score */
g=grade(s); /*call function and store value in g*/
printf("Your grade is : %c ",g); /*print value of g*/
return 0;



source code:

#include <stdio.h>
double largest(int a,int b,int c) /*here we make a function for find the largest*/
if( a>=b && a>=c ) /*check a is >b & c than return a */
return a;
if( b>=a && b>=c ) /*check b is >a & c than return b */
return b;
if( c>=a && c>=b ) /*check c is >a & b than return c */
return c;
int main()
int large_V,x,y,z;
printf("Enter 3 values:\n");
scanf("%d",&x); /*take value from user*/
scanf("%d",&y); /*take value from user*/
scanf("%d",&z); /*take value from user*/
large_V=largest(x,y,z); /*here we call function*/
printf("Largest number is %d",large_V);
return 0;


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