
In: Computer Science

Translate c++ code into mips assembly: int main() {                 cout << "Numbers:" << endl;            &nbs

Translate c++ code into mips assembly:

int main()


                cout << "Numbers:" << endl;


                int x[] = {18, 12, 6, 500, 54, 3, 2, 122};

                int i;


                for (i=0; i<8; i++)



                                cout << x[i] << endl;


                return 0;


below is my code:

    str1: .ascii "Numbers:"     str2: .ascii "\n"    x: .word 18,12,6,500,54,3,2,122      

.global main

la $a0, str1          
ori $v0, $0, 1          

ori $v0, $0, 10    


Expert Solution

Converted Code: (MIPS)

        daddiu  $sp,$sp,-80
        sd      $31,72($sp)
        sd      $fp,64($sp)
        sd      $28,56($sp)
        move    $fp,$sp
        lui     $28,%hi(%neg(%gp_rel(main)))
        daddu   $28,$28,$25
        daddiu  $28,$28,%lo(%neg(%gp_rel(main)))
        ld      $2,%got_page(.LC1)($28)
        daddiu  $5,$2,%got_ofst(.LC1)
        ld      $4,%got_disp(_ZSt4cout)($28)
        ld      $2,%call16(_ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc)($28)
        move    $25,$2

        ld      $5,%got_disp(_ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_)($28)
        move    $4,$2
        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSolsEPFRSoS_E)($28)
        move    $25,$2

        ld      $2,%got_page(.LC0)($28)
        daddiu  $3,$2,%got_ofst(.LC0)
        ldl     $3,7($3)
        ldr     $3,%got_ofst(.LC0)($2)
        move    $5,$3
        daddiu  $3,$2,%got_ofst(.LC0)
        ldl     $4,15($3)
        ldr     $4,8($3)
        daddiu  $3,$2,%got_ofst(.LC0)
        ldl     $6,23($3)
        ldr     $6,16($3)
        move    $3,$6
        daddiu  $2,$2,%got_ofst(.LC0)
        ldl     $6,31($2)
        ldr     $6,24($2)
        move    $2,$6
        sd      $5,8($fp)
        sd      $4,16($fp)
        sd      $3,24($fp)
        sd      $2,32($fp)
        sw      $0,0($fp)
        lw      $2,0($fp)
        slt     $2,$2,8
        beq     $2,$0,.L2

        lw      $2,0($fp)
        dsll    $2,$2,2
        daddu   $2,$fp,$2
        lw      $2,8($2)
        move    $5,$2
        ld      $4,%got_disp(_ZSt4cout)($28)
        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSolsEi)($28)
        move    $25,$2

        ld      $5,%got_disp(_ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_)($28)
        move    $4,$2
        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSolsEPFRSoS_E)($28)
        move    $25,$2

        lw      $2,0($fp)
        addiu   $2,$2,1
        sw      $2,0($fp)
        b       .L3

        move    $2,$0
        move    $sp,$fp
        ld      $31,72($sp)
        ld      $fp,64($sp)
        ld      $28,56($sp)
        daddiu  $sp,$sp,80
        j       $31

__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int):
        daddiu  $sp,$sp,-48
        sd      $31,40($sp)
        sd      $fp,32($sp)
        sd      $28,24($sp)
        move    $fp,$sp
        lui     $28,%hi(%neg(%gp_rel(__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int))))
        daddu   $28,$28,$25
        daddiu  $28,$28,%lo(%neg(%gp_rel(__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int))))
        move    $3,$4
        move    $2,$5
        sll     $3,$3,0
        sw      $3,0($fp)
        sll     $2,$2,0
        sw      $2,4($fp)
        lw      $3,0($fp)
        li      $2,1                        # 0x1
        bne     $3,$2,.L7

        lw      $3,4($fp)
        li      $2,65535                    # 0xffff
        bne     $3,$2,.L7

        ld      $2,%got_page(_ZStL8__ioinit)($28)
        daddiu  $4,$2,%got_ofst(_ZStL8__ioinit)
        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev)($28)
        move    $25,$2

        ld      $6,%got_disp(__dso_handle)($28)
        ld      $2,%got_page(_ZStL8__ioinit)($28)
        daddiu  $5,$2,%got_ofst(_ZStL8__ioinit)
        ld      $4,%got_disp(_ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev)($28)
        ld      $2,%call16(__cxa_atexit)($28)
        move    $25,$2

        move    $sp,$fp
        ld      $31,40($sp)
        ld      $fp,32($sp)
        ld      $28,24($sp)
        daddiu  $sp,$sp,48
        j       $31

        daddiu  $sp,$sp,-32
        sd      $31,24($sp)
        sd      $fp,16($sp)
        sd      $28,8($sp)
        move    $fp,$sp
        lui     $28,%hi(%neg(%gp_rel(_GLOBAL__sub_I_main)))
        daddu   $28,$28,$25
        daddiu  $28,$28,%lo(%neg(%gp_rel(_GLOBAL__sub_I_main)))
        li      $5,65535                    # 0xffff
        li      $4,1                        # 0x1
        ld      $2,%got_page(__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int))($28)
        daddiu  $2,$2,%got_ofst(__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int))
        move    $25,$2

        move    $sp,$fp
        ld      $31,24($sp)
        ld      $fp,16($sp)
        ld      $28,8($sp)
        daddiu  $sp,$sp,32
        j       $31
Let me know if you have any doubts or if you need anything to change. 

If you are satisfied with the solution, please leave a +ve feedback : ) Let me know for any help with any other questions.

Thank You!

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