
In: Computer Science

Using HTML and JavaScript, receive a positive number, n, and output all prime numbers that are...

Using HTML and JavaScript, receive a positive number, n, and output all prime numbers that are smaller than n and have a digit 7. For example, if n is 100, the program should output 7, 17, 37, 47, 67, 71, 73, 79, and 97.


Expert Solution


const number=parseInt(prompt("Enter the value of n : ")); //this will create a dialogue box which prompts when we take input



    console.log("The number is neither prime nor compsite")


for(let i=2; i<=number ;i++){ //checking for each integer between 2 to number

    var count=0; //if this count changes to 1 for a number then the number is not prime

    for(let j=2;j<=i/2;j++)









    if(count==0) //this means i is prime


      var num=i; //this num is used to find all the integer with number 7



          if(num%10==7) //checking condition if there is 7 in the number










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