
In: Computer Science

Demonstrate the use of CRUNCH tool to create a Wordlist file to generate a minimum and...

Demonstrate the use of CRUNCH tool to create a Wordlist file to generate a minimum and maximum word length (2-9) based on your MIT ID and the first seven numbers and two unique special characters, and store the result in file pass.txt. Give an exampleof two generated passwords with length of three characters, one number and one special character. After that, use the HYDRA attacking tool to attack server which has the username ‘tom’ and password length between 2 and 9, generated by CRUNCH in the previous step.

I'D- MIT191091


Expert Solution


Crunch is a tool that is used for wordlist generation. Based on wordlist, it generates custom keywords with permutation and combination of desired special characters, numericals, upper-case and lower-case letters. It comes pre-installed with Kali Linux. For other Operating systems like windows, CRUNCH tool needs to be installed.


Given ID: MIT191091

wordlist will be:(ID)(first seven numbers 0-6)(two special characters) => MIT1910910123456^^

^ symbol denotes special characters.

Syntax of crunch : crunch <min> <max> wordlist [-options] [filename for saving]

Open the command-line and check if crunch is intalled by typing 'crunch' after $. It will show the version of crunch if installed. To generate the wordlist type the following after $

crunch 2 9 -t MIT1910910123456^^ -o pass.txt

It will generate the required wordlist and save it as pass.txt

Example: MIT0/ MIT1:

Hydra attacking tool: Hydra is a login cracker. It can be used ethically to check how secure a system is against malicious breaking in.

Given ftp:

username: tom

Type the following command in terminal after installing hydra.

hydra -l tom -P pass.txt -t 6 ftp

-l will enable the field for username, -P sets directory of the passwords stored in pass.txt.

The hydra brute force will thus be able to attack the given ftp server. If you want to save the results in a file use the following syntax. it can used for future reference if required.

hydra -l tom -P pass.txt -t 6 ftp -o results.txt

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