
In: Computer Science

"Gambling Greg" Assignment Outcomes: Demonstrate the ability to create and use structs Demonstrate the ability to...

"Gambling Greg" Assignment


  • Demonstrate the ability to create and use structs
  • Demonstrate the ability to create and use menus
  • Demonstrate the ability to create and use an array of structs
  • Demonstrate the ability to generate and use random numbers

Program Specifications:

Assume that gambling Greg often goes to the Dog Racing Track. Greg loves to bet on the puppies. In each race Greg will place a wager and pick a dog. The dog information will be stored in a structure name DOG as follows:

Name, amount to pay out if Greg wins, and the odds of this dog winning the race.

The program should have the following menu:


[R]esults of All Races

[L]eave the Dog Track

If Greg selects [G] the program will ask Greg for his wager and allow Greg to pick a dog from a list. The program will then run the race. The result will be shown to Greg. The results of the race will be stored for future use.

If Greg selects [R] the program will show Greg the results of all previous races entered during this run of the program.

If Greg selects [L] the program will end.

The dogs:

You will create 9 different dogs. See below:

Dog Name


Odds of Winning

You name the dogs

2 to 1


5 to 1


10 to 1


15 to 1


50 to 1


20 to 1


10 to 1


5 to 1


3 to 1



Expert Solution


// Declare the required header file

#include <stdio.h>

#include <limits.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

#include <string.h>

//Demonstrate the ability to create and use structs

// the name of DOG

// to store the information of dog

struct DOG


  // The dog information which structure have

  // Dog name

  char Name[32];

  // amount of pay of if Greg Wins

  int amounttopayout;

  // Odds of the dog winning the race

  int Oddsofthewinningdog;

// Demonstrate the ability to create

//and use an array of structs

// array of struct use to store all the given

// DOg information

void arrayofstruct(struct DOG *d)


  // Char Dog Name store the information of dog name

  char DogNames[9][32] = {"Prince", "Dayna", "Rockey", "Tommy", "Beast", "Buddy", "Oscar", "Lovely", "Teddy"};

  // Create an array of pay out to store the dog payout information

  int Payout[9] = {2, 5, 10, 15, 50, 20, 10, 5, 3};

  // Create an array of Odds winning dog % to store the dog percent

  int Odds_of_Win_dog[9] = {40, 10, 8, 6, 1, 4, 8, 10, 13};

  // loop to store the information

  for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)


    strcpy(d[i].Name, DogNames[i]);
    d[i].amounttopayout = Payout[i];
    d[i].Oddsofthewinningdog = Odds_of_Win_dog[i];

//Demonstrate the ability to generate

// and use random numbers

// Create a function of random number to choose the

// random dof for the race

void randomnumbers(struct DOG *d, int *randomnum)


  // Initially random r is equal to zero

  int r = 0;

  // Loop to compute the random

  for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)


    // for loop to access the random dog

    for (int j = 0; j < d[i].Oddsofthewinningdog; j++)


      // increment the random

      randomnum[r++] = i;

// Demonstrate the ability to create and use menus

// to display the following menu:

char menu()


  // Display for Gamble


  // Display for Result

  printf("[R]esult of all Races\n");

  // Display for Leave te dog track

  printf("[L]eave the Dog Track\n");

  // Ask from the Greg to choice the dog

  printf("Please select the choice Greg:");

  char ch;

  scanf(" %c", &ch);

  // retur the choice

  return ch;

// Create a function to pickup the dog list

void pickupdoglist(struct DOG *d)


  // Display the Dog Table with all the name of Dog and

  // all the information

  printf("S.No. Dog name      Payout     Odds of Winning \n");

  // For loop to display all the stored dog information

  for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)


    printf("%d.   %7s,    %4d to 1,    %7d%% \n", i + 1, d[i].Name, d[i].amounttopayout, d[i].Oddsofthewinningdog);

// Create a dog running race function

// to running the choice dog with randomly dog

int dogrunnningrace(int *randomnum)


  // timer start with zero random


  // Declare an random variable to store random

  // number

  int random = rand() % 100;

  // Return the random number

  return randomnum[random];

// Create a dog infromation function to ask from the

// Greg

void doginformation(struct DOG *d, int *randomnum, char *buffer)


  // Ask from the Greg to input the wager for Dog

  printf("Please Greg input a wager:");

  int wager;

  scanf("%d", &wager);

  // Call the pickupdog list function


  // Greg to pick a dog from the list

  printf("Please pick up a dog from the list by");

  int pick;

  scanf("%d", &pick);

  // Pickup dog index Initially with zero

  pick = pick - 1;

  // Call the dogrunning race function

  int raceresult = dogrunnningrace(randomnum);

  // Check the pickup dog is equal to race result

  if (pick == raceresult)


    // Display the result with the name of dog and wager

    printf("%s wins the race. you won %d\n", d[pick].Name, wager * (d[pick].amounttopayout));

    // Store the result for future use

    sprintf(buffer, "%s wins the race. you won %d\n", d[pick].Name, wager * (d[pick].amounttopayout));

  // otherwise



    // Display the result greg lost the race with the dog names

    printf("%s loose the race. %s wins the race.\n", d[pick].Name, d[raceresult].Name);

    // Store the result for future use

    sprintf(buffer, "%s loose the race. %s wins the race.\n", d[pick].Name, d[raceresult].Name);

// Create a function to store the previous races information

void previousraces(char **futureuse, int counter)


  futureuse = futureuse;

  counter = counter + 1;

// Create a main function of the program

int main(void)


  // Create the structure dog d as like an object

  struct DOG d[9];

  int randomnum[100];

  // Call the array of struct


  // call the random numbers function

  randomnumbers(d, randomnum);

  // Declare the required variable

  // Which is not use globally

  char selection;

  char G, R, L;

  char futureuse[1024][64];

  int counter = 0;

  // Create a do while to select the Greg selction



    // select the menu

    selection = menu();

    // Note: Here, I'm providing the solution by using

    // switch case or by using simple if-else

    // Please use the approach which you want

    // if you want to use switch case then go for continue

    // or if you want to use if else then comment the switch

    // case than comment from /*switch (selection) to ...

    // last break } */ and remove comment from if else approach

    switch (selection)


      // If Greg selects [G] the program will

      //ask Greg for his wager and allow Greg

      // to pick a dog from a list

      // When User select G

    case 'G':

      // Call the doginformation

      doginformation(d, randomnum, futureuse[counter]);

      // break command use inside the case not outside


      // If Greg selects [R] the program

      //will show Greg the results of all

      //previous races entered during

      // this run of the program.

      // When user select R

    case 'R':

      // Loop to access the future use result

      for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)


        // display future use result

        printf("%s", futureuse[i]);


      // If Greg selects [L] the program will end

      // When user selct L

    case 'L':

      // Display Thank you message and program will end

      printf("Thank you!!!. The program will end.\n");


      // Default case when Greg select wrong choice


      printf("Wrong selection!!\n");



    if (selection == 'G')


      doginformation(d, randomnum,futureuse[counter]);


    else if(selection == 'R')


      for(int i=0; i<counter; i++)





    else if (selection == 'L')


      printf("Thank You!!!.\n");




      printf("Wrong selection!!\n");




  while (selection != 'L');

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