Chemical species A, B, C, D and E are involved in a reaction.
They may represent reactants, products, intermediates, catalysts or
inhibitors. The rate of change in the concentration for each of
them is given below:
d[A]/dt = -k1[A][B] + k-1[C][B] + k2[C][D] - k-2[A][E]
d[B]/dt = 0
d[C]/dt = k1[A][B] - k-1[C][B] - k2[C][D] + k-2[A][E]
d[D]/dt = -k2[C][D] + k-2[A][E]
d[E]/dt = k2[C][D] - k-2[A][E]
a) Write down the elementary steps in the proposed reaction
mechanism that are...