In: Computer Science
Task 1
1.1 - Mergesort has two major advantages over Quicksort. What are these advantages? Write at most 5-6 sentences.
1.2 - Mergesort complexity analysis, explain it via recurrence relation and its main strategy. Write at most 7-8 sentences.
1.3 - Why a recursive algorithm always needs a base case? 2-3 sentences at most.
1.4 - Write Fibonacci Sequence formula F(N) with its base cases. Just write the formula with base-cases.
1.5 - Show how F(N=4) is computed for Fibonacci Sequences recursively starting from its base cases. Write your base case and how each value is computed.
1.6 - What is the time complexity of computing recursive Fibonacci Sequence F(N). Give Big-O notation and explain your answer. 5-6 sentences at most.
1.1 The advantage of merge sort over quick sort ,
a. merge sort worst case time complexity is O(nlog(n)) where as quick sort worst case time complexity is O(n2 ).
b. merge sort is stable where as quick sort is not stable, so it is very helpful in sorting for those arrays/list which maintain ordering througout of their computing.
1.2 the time complexity of merge sort is O(nlog(n)).it uses divide and conqure algorithm to perform sorting. its recurrence relation is T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) , here 2T(n/2) is because at every time it divide the array into two half. and O(n) is because it always merge two half.
1.3 reccursive relation algorithm need a base case because recursive method call it self hence it may go in a infinite loop , so to break this infinite loop base case is needed, base case is a condition inside recursive method which causes recursive method to come out of infinite loop.
1.4 fibonacci sequence with a base case is T(n) = T(n-1) +O(1). , here base case is if(n<=1) return n.
so time complexity here is O(n).
1.5 fibonacci (n==4),
return n;
return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
1.6. the time complexity of fiboancci is O(n) it is because its recurrance relation is T(n) =T(n-1) +O(1) ,
thus upon calculating this recurrance relation its output is O(n).