In: Economics
This week, you will discuss how you are affected by fiscal policy. For instance, you could write about how infrastructure projects in your community affect you and your community, and then how they affect the economy as a whole.
Consider a case when there is raised aggregate demand in the
form of infrastructure projects which is a part of investments in
the community. If AD shifts to its right, due to the fiscal policy,
IS curve shifts rightwards and make output level higher at Y1 and
interest rate higher at i1 point and making a new equilibrium at
point B which shifted from point A. If the total output level have
risen, producers need more labour to work for and the employment
level rises in short run. Interest rate also rises which makes
investments costlier for new investors.
In my locality which is a growing city in my state, is building airport right now which will make travelling easy for people. There are 2-3 airports at 4-5 hours drive from the city, and we are not expecting any direct long route flight from our city in initial phase but it totally depends upon the demand. So it would be very helpful to those who are taking connecting flights from the international airports.
The expected cost would be Rs.1000 crores to build the new airport. If the airport is built, new businessman will come here to invest in the city as it is currently growing. Multiplier refers to the income in return from the money invested for a specific project. The multiplier would be low at initial level as the flights would be very less in the initial phase. As time passes we would have direct flights other cities which would raise the income multiplier level. In some cases, it can raise new jobs in some it cannot. In this airport example, it raises jobs for pilot, jobs for cabin crew, jobs for aircraft agencies, food supplier for airport/aircrafts and many more.