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Python question Write a function int(lofi, alofi) that consumes two sorted lists of distinct integers lofi...

Python question

Write a function

int(lofi, alofi)

that consumes two sorted lists of distinct integers lofi and alofi, and returns a sorted list that contains only elements common to both lists.

You must obey the following restrictions:

  • No recursion or abstract list functions,
  • intersect must run in O(n) where n is the combined length of the two parameters.
  • sort function is not allowed as well as list comprehensions
  • math is the only library that can be imported


 int([4, 13, 10, 8, 15], [2, 3, 6, 13, 11, 12, 8]) => [8, 13]


Expert Solution

Python code:

#defining function

def int(lofi,alofi):

    #initializing list1 to store common elements


    #looping through each element in lofi

    for i in lofi:

        #checking if each element in lofi is in alofi

        if i in alofi:

            #inserting that element into list1


    #list for sorting


    #looping through each element in list1

    for i in range(len(list1)):

        #inserting into list2, minimum element in list1


        #removing that element from list1


    #returning list2


#testing and printing




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