
In: Computer Science

Python Question: Write a function that checks to see if an array of integers is sorted...

Python Question:

Write a function that checks to see if an array of integers is sorted in an increasing fashion, returning true if it is, false otherwise. Test it with at least4 arrays - 2 sorted and 2 not sorted. Use a CSV formatted input file as described in the previous question to run your program through some tests, where again the filename is passed as an argument.

Heres what I have so far:

import sys

# command line arguement 1. a csv file that contained rows of numbers to be tested.

file_name = sys.argv[1]

file = open(file_name)

# function that will check the csv file and see if the rows of numbers are sorted in an increasing pattern.

def is_sorted(arr):

_result = []

for i in range(len(arr) - 1):

if current_arr[i] > current_arr[i+1]:

return False

return True

# Read the file line by line

for line in file.readlines():

# For each line read,

# We create a new array to:

# Store the number we convert from strings,

current_arr = []

# Split the current line by commas,

for number in line.split(','):

# then convert each string in an array to an integer and

# then add it to the current array of numbers

current_arr += [int(number)]

when I order numbers in my csv file not sorted, I still get True returned instead of False

found_index = is_sorted(current_arr)



Expert Solution

I tried with the given code. It gives me the expected results.Make sure your indentation is proper. Attaching the updated properly indented code below:

CSV Data:


Python Code:

import sys

# command line arguement 1. a csv file that contained rows of numbers to be tested.
#file_name = sys.argv[1]
file = open('sample.csv')

# function that will check the csv file and see if the rows of numbers are sorted in an increasing pattern.
def is_sorted(arr):
  for i in range(len(arr) - 1):
    if current_arr[i] > current_arr[i+1]:
      return False
  return True

# Read the file line by line
for line in file.readlines():
  # For each line read,
  # We create a new array to:
  # Store the number we convert from strings,
  current_arr = []
  # Split the current line by commas,
  for number in line.split(','):
    # then convert each string in an array to an integer and
    # then add it to the current array of numbers
    current_arr += [int(number)]
  found_index = is_sorted(current_arr)






Please take a look and let me know if you have any other specific format/number you are trying in csv which is not working. I will debug and check any other changes to be made.

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