
In: Finance

A firm has been experiencing low profitability in recent years. Perform an analysis of the firm's...

A firm has been experiencing low profitability in recent years. Perform an analysis of the firm's financial position using the DuPont equation. The firm has no lease payments but has a $3 million sinking fund payment on its debt. The most recent industry average ratios and the firm's financial statements are as follows:

Industry Average Ratios
Current ratio 3.62x Fixed assets turnover 5.36x
Debt-to-capital ratio 16.99% Total assets turnover 3.02x
Times interest earned 28.62x Profit margin 8.80%
EBITDA coverage 18.64x Return on total assets 26.00%
Inventory turnover 9.28x Return on common equity 38.44%
Days sales outstandinga 23.12 days Return on invested capital 30.63%

aCalculation is based on a 365-day year.

Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2016 (Millions of Dollars)
Cash and equivalents $59 Accounts payable $31
Accounts receivables 45 Other current liabilities 10
Inventories 125 Notes payable 35
   Total current assets $229    Total current liabilities $76
Long-term debt 17
   Total liabilities $93
Gross fixed assets 157 Common stock 97
    Less depreciation 38 Retained earnings 158
Net fixed assets $119    Total stockholders' equity $255
Total assets $348 Total liabilities and equity $348
Income Statement for Year Ended December 31, 2016 (Millions of Dollars)
Net sales $580.0
Cost of goods sold 411.8
  Gross profit $168.2
Selling expenses 52.2
EBITDA $116.0
Depreciation expense 16.8
  Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) $99.2
Interest expense 2.6
  Earnings before taxes (EBT) $96.6
Taxes (40%) 38.6
Net income $58.0
  1. Calculate the following ratios. Do not round intermediate steps. Round your answers to two decimal places.
    Firm Industry Average
    Current ratio x 3.62x
    Debt to total capital % 16.99%
    Times interest earned x 28.62x
    EBITDA coverage x 18.64x
    Inventory turnover x 9.28x
    Days sales outstanding days 23.12days
    Fixed assets turnover x 5.36x
    Total assets turnover x 3.02x
    Profit margin % 8.80%
    Return on total assets % 26.00%
    Return on common equity % 38.44%
    Return on invested capital % 30.63%
  2. Construct a DuPont equation for the firm and the industry. Do not round intermediate steps. Round your answers to two decimal places.
    Firm Industry
    Profit margin % 8.80%
    Total assets turnover x 3.02x
    Equity multiplier x x


Expert Solution

a) i) Current ratio = Current assets / Current liabilities

Current ratio = $229 / $76 = 3.01

ii) Debt to total capital = Interest bearing liabilities / (Interest bearing liabilities + Shareholders equity)

Interest bearing liabilities (Long term debt + Notes payable) = $17 + $35 = $52

Stockholders equity = $255


Debt to total capital = $52 / ($52 + $255) = 0.1694 or 16.94%

iii) Times interest earned =  EBIT / Interest

Times interest earned = $99.20 / $2.60 = 38.15

iv) EBITDA coverage = (EBITDA + Lease payment) / (Loan payment + Lease payment)

Here, lease payment = Nil,

Loan payment (sinking fund) = $3

EBITDA coverage = $116 / $3 = 38.67

v) Inventory turnover = Cost of goods sold / Inventory

Inventory turnover = $411.80 / $125 = 3.29

vi) Days sales outstanding = (Recievables / Credit sales) * 365 days

Days sales outstanding = ($45 / $580) * 365 days

Days sales outstanding = 28.32 days

vii) Fixed assets turnover = Net sales / Net fixed assets

Fixed assets turnover = $580 / $119 = 4.87

viii) Total assets turnover = Net sales /Total assets

Total assets turnover = $580 / $348 = 1.67

ix) Profit margin = Net income / Net sales

Profit margin = $58 / $580 = 0.10 or 10%

x) Return on total assets=Net income/Total assets

Return on total assets = $58 / $348 = 0.167 or 16.7%

xi) Return on common equity = Net income / Stockholders equity

Return on common equity = $58 / $255 = 0.2275 or 22.75%

xii) Return on invested capital = Net income / Invested capital

Here, Invested capital = Long term debt + Stockholders equity

Ingested capital = $17 + $255 = $272


Return on invested capital = $58 / $272 = 0.2132 or 21.32%

Particulars Firm Industry Average Good or Bad compared to industry average
Current ratio 3.01 3.62 Bad
Debt to total capital 16.94% 16.99% Good
Times interest earned 38.15 28.62 Good
EBITDA coverage 38.67 18.64 Good
Inventory turnover 3.29 9.28 Bad
Days sales outstanding 28.32 days 23.12 days Bad
Fixed assets turnover 4.87 5.36 Good
Total assets turnover 1.67 3.02 Bad
Profit margin 10.00% 8.80% Good
Return on total assets 16.70% 26.00% Bad
Return on common equity 22.75% 38.44% Bad
Return on invested capital 21.32% 30.63% Bad

b) DuPont equation :

For firm :

Profit margin = 0.10,

Total assets turnover = 1.67

Equity multiplier = Total assets / Total shareholder's equity

Equity multiplier = $348 / $255 = 1.36


DuPont equation = Profit margin * Total assets turnover * Equity multiplier

DuPont equation = 0.10 * 1.67 * 1.36 = 0.2271

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