In: Electrical Engineering
How are the memory requirements for the real-time digital signal processing system affected by the sampling frequency, f s ? For example, if f s is increased by a factor of 2, what affect does this have on the system memory requirements?
Digital sytem: Analog information can not be stored to store analog signal information the signal is sampled at some rate known as samopling rate, each sample is encoded with binary data ( which conains only 0's and 1's)
based on the analog signal amplitude range and quatized levels the number of bits required for a sample is choosen.
Sampling rate ( fs) means number of samples taken from a signal per one sec time.
sampling frequency increases means number of samples in one sec increases. Hence to store these samples more memory is required.
So as sampling frequency increases memory requirement is also increases.
each sample is encoded with N bits where L
is bumber of levels in sampling.
in a sec memory required is bits
if sapling frequency is incresed by factor 2
Hence memory requirement is also increased by factor 2.