In: Accounting
1). Describe the four (4) basic management functions.
2). Using one (1) example, explain how these functions are related to one another.
Answer 1.
There are 4 basic functions of management namely :-
It is the most basic step of managemenr process. It is the first step of management process. In this process management lays out what goals they want to achieve. Goals can be for a department, a division, the entire company or for an individual product.
It is that management function which entails gathering resources.
Once the plan is in place, managers need to create the way to
accomplish goals. They will arrange human and material resources on
the basis of how they plan to achieve their objectives
This functions is all about communicating the plan develpoe at the
planning stage to employees and advising them the way to achieve
it. Generally, managers try to motivate those who perform the tasks
that are necessary to achieve their goals.
This management functions is basically reviewing the actions
performed by the employees. It is about measuring performance
results against planned objectives at the planning stage.
Answer 2
We can say so that all these functions are related to one another
because all these functions has to be followed or applied like a
chain format on one to another basis.
For eg.
If company wants to achieve $1,00,000 Turnover from existing
Planning Stage :- Then company will have to plan it 1st that how can they achieve such target or will list down the ways to achieve it.
Organising Stage:- Then company will have to analyse what all and upto which extent resources will be required i.e. human, money materials etc.
Leading Stage:- Managers will communicate such plans to the employees who will actually perform tasks and leads to achiveing of the objective. i.e achieveing the turniver of $1,00,000.
Controlling Stage :- Managers will analyse,
whether they have achived the required target of $1,00,000. If not
then they will take corrective actions.
By this eg. we can clearly see that all these 4 functions has to be
followed simultaneously and are related to one another.