
In: Math

The American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN; is a national organization serving nurses practicing in...

The American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN; is a national organization serving nurses practicing in ambulatory surgery, preanesthesia, and postanesthesia care. The organization's membership is listed below.

State/Region Membership
Alabama 138
Arizona 489
Maryland, Delaware, DC 551
Connecticut 273
Florida 522
Georgia 461
Hawaii 87
Maine 145
Minnesota, Dakotas 385
Missouri, Kansas 194
Mississippi 87
Nebraska 73
North Carolina 387
Nevada 64
New Jersey, Bermuda 531
Alaska, Idaho, Montana,Oregon, Washington 640
New York 966
Ohio 888
Oklahoma 164
Arkansas 93
Illinois 498
Indiana 362
Iowa 128
Kentucky 205
Louisiana 158
Michigan 467
Massachusetts 341
California 1,098
New Mexico 37
Pennsylvania 371
Rhode Island 65
Colorado 247
South Carolina 284
Texas 1,108
Tennessee 219
Utah 87
Virginia 353
Vermont, New Hampshire 134
Wisconsin 257
West Virginia 60

find standard deviation, first and third quartile, and the limits for the outliers


Expert Solution

To find Standard deviation we need to find mean first

Create the following table.

data data-mean (data - mean)2
138 -202.425 40975.880625
489 148.575 22074.530625
551 210.575 44341.830625
273 -67.425 4546.130625
522 181.575 32969.480625
461 120.575 14538.330625
87 -253.425 64224.230625
145 -195.425 38190.930625
385 44.575 1986.930625
194 -146.425 21440.280625
87 -253.425 64224.230625
73 -267.425 71516.130625
387 46.575 2169.230625
64 -276.425 76410.780625
531 190.575 36318.830625
640 299.575 89745.180625
966 625.575 391344.080625
888 547.575 299838.380625
164 -176.425 31125.780625
93 -247.425 61219.130625
498 157.575 24829.880625
362 21.575 465.480625
128 -212.425 45124.380625
205 -135.425 18339.930625
158 -182.425 33278.880625
467 126.575 16021.230625
341 0.57499999999999 0.33062499999999
1098 757.575 573919.880625
37 -303.425 92066.730625
371 30.575 934.830625
65 -275.425 75858.930625
247 -93.425 8728.230625
284 -56.425 3183.780625
1108 767.575 589171.380625
219 -121.425 14744.030625
87 -253.425 64224.230625
353 12.575 158.130625
134 -206.425 42611.280625
257 -83.425 6959.730625
60 -280.425 78638.180625

Find the sum of numbers in the last column to get.

So standard deviation =

The first quartile (or lower quartile or 25th percentile) is the median of the bottom half of the numbers. So, to find the first quartile, we need to place the numbers in value order and find the bottom half.

37   60   64   65   73   87   87   87   93   128   134   138   145   158   164   194   205   219   247   257   273   284   341   353   362   371   385   387   461   467   489   498   522   531   551   640   888   966   1098   1108   

So, the bottom half is

37   60   64   65   73   87   87   87   93   128   134   138   145   158   164   194   205   219   247   257   

The median of these numbers is 131.

The third quartile (or upper quartile or 75th percentile) is the median of the upper half of the numbers. So, to find the third quartile, we need to place the numbers in value order and find the upper half.

37   60   64   65   73   87   87   87   93   128   134   138   145   158   164   194   205   219   247   257   273   284   341   353   362   371   385   387   461   467   489   498   522   531   551   640   888   966   1098   1108   

So, the upper half is

273   284   341   353   362   371   385   387   461   467   489   498   522   531   551   640   888   966   1098   1108   

The median of these numbers is 478.

The interquartile range is the difference between the third and first quartiles.

The third quartile is 478.

The first quartile is 131.

The interquartile range = 478 - 131 = 347.

Limit for the outliers are and

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