
In: Computer Science

Create a program that creates and prints a random phone number using the following format: XXX-XXX-XXXX....

Create a program that creates and prints a random phone number using the following format: XXX-XXX-XXXX. Make sure your output include the dashes. Do not let the first three digits contain an 8 or 9 (HINT: do not be more restrictive than that) and make sure that the second set of three digits is not greater than 773. Helpful Hint: Think though the easiest way to construct the phone number. Each digit does do not have to be determined separately.

EXAMPLE OUTPUT: //Professor Name //JAVA IDE //Assignment //randomly selected telephone number 773-345-8787


Expert Solution

import java.util.Random;

public class GeneratePhoneNumber {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                        String s = generatePhone();

        private static String generatePhone() {
                Random r = new Random();
                int n = getRandomNumber(r, 1, 7);
                String res = n + "";
                n = getRandomNumber(r, 1, 7);
                res = res + n;
                n = getRandomNumber(r, 1, 7);
                res = res + n + "-";
                n = getRandomNumber(r, 100, 673);
                res = res + n + "-" + getRandomNumber(r, 1000, 8999);
                return res;

        private static int getRandomNumber(Random r, int m, int n) {
                return r.nextInt(n) + m;



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