
In: Computer Science A phone number has the format (xxx)yyy-zzzz ( e.g.(942)731-2262 ). Write a program that reads...

A phone number has the format (xxx)yyy-zzzz ( e.g.(942)731-2262 ). Write a program that reads a string and formats it as a phone number. First it should check that the string has exactly 10 symbols. If it does, the program will print the formatted version. If the string does not have exactly 10 symbols, print Invalid and do not process it.
You do NOT need to verify that the symbols in the string are digits.

Sample run 1...

This program will format a string as a phone number.
Enter the number: 9427312262
Formatted number: (942)731-2262

Sample run 2...
This program will format a string as a phone number.
Enter the number: 43534565
Not a valid number. Please enter another one: 9427312262
Formatted number: (942)731-2262

Sample run 3 ...
This program will format a string as a phone number.
Enter the number: 345345
Not a valid number. Please enter another one: 1234556
You missed your second try! No more chances!


Expert Solution

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ProcessPhone {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner in = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("This program will format a string as a phone number.");
        System.out.print("Enter the number: ");
        String number = in.nextLine();
        if (number.length() != 10) {
            System.out.print("Not a valid number. Please enter another one: ");
            number = in.nextLine();
            if (number.length() != 10) {
                System.out.println("You missed your second try! No more chances!");
        System.out.printf("Formatted number: (%s)%s-%s\n", number.substring(0, 3), number.substring(3, 6), number.substring(6));

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