
In: Math

A professor has recently taught two sections of the same course with only one difference between...

A professor has recently taught two sections of the same course with only one difference between the sections. In one section, he used only examples taken from sports applications, and in the other section, he used examples taken from a variety of application areas. The sports themed section was advertised as such; so students knew which type of section they were enrolling in. The professor has asked you to compare student performance in the two sections using course grades and total points earned in the course. You will need to import the Scores.csv dataset that has been provided for you:

Count Score Section
10 200 Sports
10 205 Sports
20 235 Sports
10 240 Sports
10 250 Sports
10 265 Regular
10 275 Regular
30 285 Sports
10 295 Regular
10 300 Regular
20 300 Sports
10 305 Sports
10 305 Regular
10 310 Regular
10 310 Sports
20 320 Regular
10 305 Regular
10 315 Sports
20 320 Regular
10 325 Regular
10 325 Sports
20 330 Regular
10 330 Sports
30 335 Sports
10 335 Regular
20 340 Regular
10 340 Sports
30 350 Regular
20 360 Regular
10 360 Sports
20 365 Regular
20 365 Sports
10 370 Sports
10 370 Regular
20 375 Regular
10 375 Sports
20 380 Regular
10 395 Sports

Use the appropriate R functions to answer the following questions:

1. What are the observational units in this study?

2. Identify the variables mentioned in the narrative paragraph and determine which are categorical and quantitative?

3. Create one variable to hold a subset of your data set that contains only the Regular Section and one variable for the Sports Section.

4. Use the Plot function to plot each Sections scores and the number of students achieving that score. Use additional Plot Arguments to label the graph and give each axis an appropriate label. Once you have produced your Plots answer the following questions:

a. Comparing and contrasting the point distributions between the two section, looking at both tendency and consistency: Can you say that one section tended to score more points than the other? Justify and explain your answer.

b. Did every student in one section score more points than every student in the other section? If not, explain what a statistical tendency means in this context.

c. What could be one additional variable that was not mentioned in the narrative that could be influencing the point distributions between the two sections?


Expert Solution

1. the observational units in this study are to compare student performance in the two sections using course grades and total points earned in the course.

2. categorical variable is section: Sport or regular

quantitative variable is a score, total points earned in the course

3. Using R software, we create one variable to hold a subset of your data set that contains only the Regular Section and one variable for the Sports Section.

x=read.csv("Book.csv")      ## save the data is csv file and read in R.


Count Score Section
1    10   200 Sports
2    10   205 Sports
3    20   235 Sports
4    10   240 Sports
5    10   250 Sports
8    30   285 Sports


   Count Score Section
6     10   265 Regular
7     10   275 Regular
9     10   295 Regular
10    10   300 Regular
13    10   305 Regular
14    10   310 Regular


plot(Score1, xlab="number of students", ylab="Score", main="Sports")
plot(Score2, xlab="number of students", ylab="Score", main="Regular")

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