
In: Operations Management

Lesson 13: Grass-roots Effort at Changing Culture Discussion In this lesson, we talked about organizations and...

Lesson 13: Grass-roots Effort at Changing Culture Discussion

In this lesson, we talked about organizations and their culture. We often think that culture is created at the top, like Howard Schulz creating Starbuck's culture. Discuss how you might change your organization’s culture as a grass-roots effort, or starting at the bottom of the firm to create change?


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Culture is a shared values ,beliefs , ideas , tradition, norms , attitude , etiquettes, language, sophisticated manner, behavior etc. among the employees Of an organization towards the stakeholders. It may be a set at the top management of the organization but implemented and followed by middle and functional level management of the organization .

For example : A supervisor may create a practice to inspect every employees when they leave the premise so as to promote theft less factory or plant or office . This culture might be followed by other organization in the same industry .

I will implement change by the following efforts:

1).I will make a proper behavioral expectations and same will be communicated to the employees working at the bottom level.

2) A behavioral and attitudinal training will be organized for the workers working at the bottom line of the organization . The theme will be to improve manner, professional outlook and soft skills.

3) People will be rewarded for their best efforts and attitude which will inspire other to show best behavioral sophistication .

4) An on the job training will be organized for new employees .

5) A code of standard behavior will be formulated and strictly followed by the first line managers and staffs.

6) People will be treated equally and appreciated for their common achievements.

7) People will be involved to make good decisions related to proper cultural backgrounds of the organization.

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