
In: Electrical Engineering

In this project we will implement the Minesweeper game. Minesweeper is played on a rectangle grid....

In this project we will implement the Minesweeper game. Minesweeper is played on a rectangle grid. When the game starts, a number of bombs are hidden on random positions on the field. In every round, the player "touches" a cell of the field. If the cell contains a bomb, it explodes, the game ends, and the player loses. Otherwise, the cell is uncovered to show the number of bombs in the vicinity, that is, the number of neighboring cells that contain bombs. (Each cell has eight neighbors, including the diagonal neighbors. If the number is zero, the cell is displayed as a blank.) When the user believes she knows the position of a bomb, she can flag that cell with a marker. It is allowed to change one's mind later and uncover a flagged cell. If all cells are either uncovered or flagged, and the number of flags is equal to the number of bombs, then the game ends and the player wins.

The display should be performed in the Terminal. The C code must enforce the rules and prevent the players to choose forbidden options.

Do c programming coding based on this qusetion..


Expert Solution

// A C++ Program to Implement and Play Minesweeper


using namespace std;

#define BEGINNER 0


#define ADVANCED 2

#define MAXSIDE 25

#define MAXMINES 99

#define MOVESIZE 526 // (25 * 25 - 99)

int SIDE ; // side length of the board

int MINES ; // number of mines on the board

// A Utility Function to check whether given cell (row, col)

// is a valid cell or not

bool isValid(int row, int col)


    // Returns true if row number and column number

    // is in range

    return (row >= 0) && (row < SIDE) &&

           (col >= 0) && (col < SIDE);


// A Utility Function to check whether given cell (row, col)

// has a mine or not.

bool isMine (int row, int col, char board[][MAXSIDE])


    if (board[row][col] == '*')

        return (true);


        return (false);


// A Function to get the user's move

void makeMove(int *x, int *y)


    // Take the input move

    printf("Enter your move, (row, column) -> ");

    scanf("%d %d", x, y);



// A Function to print the current gameplay board

void printBoard(char myBoard[][MAXSIDE])


    int i, j;

    printf ("    ");

    for (i=0; i<SIDE; i++)

        printf ("%d ", i);

    printf ("\n\n");

    for (i=0; i<SIDE; i++)


        printf ("%d   ", i);

        for (j=0; j<SIDE; j++)

            printf ("%c ", myBoard[i][j]);

        printf ("\n");




// A Function to count the number of

// mines in the adjacent cells

int countAdjacentMines(int row, int col, int mines[][2],

                      char realBoard[][MAXSIDE])


    int i;

    int count = 0;


        Count all the mines in the 8 adjacent


            N.W   N   N.E

              \   |   /

               \ | /


                 / | \

               /   | \

            S.W    S   S.E

        Cell-->Current Cell (row, col)

        N --> North        (row-1, col)

        S --> South        (row+1, col)

        E --> East         (row, col+1)

        W --> West            (row, col-1)

        N.E--> North-East   (row-1, col+1)

        N.W--> North-West   (row-1, col-1)

        S.E--> South-East   (row+1, col+1)

        S.W--> South-West   (row+1, col-1)


    //----------- 1st Neighbour (North) ------------

        // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

        if (isValid (row-1, col) == true)


               if (isMine (row-1, col, realBoard) == true)



    //----------- 2nd Neighbour (South) ------------

        // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

        if (isValid (row+1, col) == true)


               if (isMine (row+1, col, realBoard) == true)



    //----------- 3rd Neighbour (East) ------------

        // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

        if (isValid (row, col+1) == true)


            if (isMine (row, col+1, realBoard) == true)



    //----------- 4th Neighbour (West) ------------

        // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

        if (isValid (row, col-1) == true)


               if (isMine (row, col-1, realBoard) == true)



    //----------- 5th Neighbour (North-East) ------------

        // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

        if (isValid (row-1, col+1) == true)


            if (isMine (row-1, col+1, realBoard) == true)



     //----------- 6th Neighbour (North-West) ------------

        // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

        if (isValid (row-1, col-1) == true)


             if (isMine (row-1, col-1, realBoard) == true)



     //----------- 7th Neighbour (South-East) ------------

        // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

        if (isValid (row+1, col+1) == true)


               if (isMine (row+1, col+1, realBoard) == true)



    //----------- 8th Neighbour (South-West) ------------

        // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

        if (isValid (row+1, col-1) == true)


            if (isMine (row+1, col-1, realBoard) == true)



    return (count);


// A Recursive Fucntion to play the Minesweeper Game

bool playMinesweeperUtil(char myBoard[][MAXSIDE], char realBoard[][MAXSIDE],

            int mines[][2], int row, int col, int *movesLeft)


    // Base Case of Recursion

    if (myBoard[row][col] != '-')

        return (false);

    int i, j;

    // You opened a mine

    // You are going to lose

    if (realBoard[row][col] == '*')



        for (i=0; i<MINES; i++)


        printBoard (myBoard);

        printf ("\nYou lost!\n");

        return (true) ;




        // Calculate the number of adjacent mines and put it

        // on the board

        int count = countAdjacentMines(row, col, mines, realBoard);


        myBoard[row][col] = count + '0';

        if (!count)



            Recur for all 8 adjacent cells

                N.W   N   N.E

                  \   |   /

                      \ | /


                     / | \

                   /   | \

                S.W    S   S.E

            Cell-->Current Cell (row, col)

            N --> North        (row-1, col)

            S --> South        (row+1, col)

            E --> East         (row, col+1)

            W --> West            (row, col-1)

            N.E--> North-East   (row-1, col+1)

            N.W--> North-West   (row-1, col-1)

            S.E--> South-East   (row+1, col+1)

            S.W--> South-West   (row+1, col-1)


                //----------- 1st Neighbour (North) ------------

            // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

            if (isValid (row-1, col) == true)


                   if (isMine (row-1, col, realBoard) == false)

                   playMinesweeperUtil(myBoard, realBoard, mines, row-1, col, movesLeft);


            //----------- 2nd Neighbour (South) ------------

            // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

            if (isValid (row+1, col) == true)


                   if (isMine (row+1, col, realBoard) == false)

                    playMinesweeperUtil(myBoard, realBoard, mines, row+1, col, movesLeft);


            //----------- 3rd Neighbour (East) ------------

            // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

            if (isValid (row, col+1) == true)


                if (isMine (row, col+1, realBoard) == false)

                    playMinesweeperUtil(myBoard, realBoard, mines, row, col+1, movesLeft);


            //----------- 4th Neighbour (West) ------------

            // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

            if (isValid (row, col-1) == true)


                   if (isMine (row, col-1, realBoard) == false)

                    playMinesweeperUtil(myBoard, realBoard, mines, row, col-1, movesLeft);


            //----------- 5th Neighbour (North-East) ------------

            // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

            if (isValid (row-1, col+1) == true)


                if (isMine (row-1, col+1, realBoard) == false)

                    playMinesweeperUtil(myBoard, realBoard, mines, row-1, col+1, movesLeft);


             //----------- 6th Neighbour (North-West) ------------

            // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

            if (isValid (row-1, col-1) == true)


                 if (isMine (row-1, col-1, realBoard) == false)

                    playMinesweeperUtil(myBoard, realBoard, mines, row-1, col-1, movesLeft);


             //----------- 7th Neighbour (South-East) ------------

            // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

            if (isValid (row+1, col+1) == true)


                 if (isMine (row+1, col+1, realBoard) == false)

                    playMinesweeperUtil(myBoard, realBoard, mines, row+1, col+1, movesLeft);


            //----------- 8th Neighbour (South-West) ------------

            // Only process this cell if this is a valid one

            if (isValid (row+1, col-1) == true)


                if (isMine (row+1, col-1, realBoard) == false)

                    playMinesweeperUtil(myBoard, realBoard, mines, row+1, col-1, movesLeft);



        return (false);



// A Function to place the mines randomly

// on the board

void placeMines(int mines[][2], char realBoard[][MAXSIDE])


    bool mark[MAXSIDE*MAXSIDE];

    memset (mark, false, sizeof (mark));

    // Continue until all random mines have been created.

    for (int i=0; i<MINES; )


        int random = rand() % (SIDE*SIDE);

        int x = random / SIDE;

        int y = random % SIDE;

        // Add the mine if no mine is placed at this

        // position on the board

        if (mark[random] == false)


            // Row Index of the Mine

            mines[i][0]= x;

            // Column Index of the Mine

            mines[i][1] = y;

            // Place the mine

            realBoard[mines[i][0]][mines[i][1]] = '*';

            mark[random] = true;






// A Function to initialise the game

void initialise(char realBoard[][MAXSIDE], char myBoard[][MAXSIDE])


    // Initiate the random number generator so that

    // the same configuration doesn't arises

    srand(time (NULL));

    // Assign all the cells as mine-free

    for (int i=0; i<SIDE; i++)


        for (int j=0; j<SIDE; j++)


            myBoard[i][j] = realBoard[i][j] = '-';





// A Function to cheat by revealing where the mines are

// placed.

void cheatMinesweeper (char realBoard[][MAXSIDE])


    printf ("The mines locations are-\n");

    printBoard (realBoard);



// A function to replace the mine from (row, col) and put

// it to a vacant space

void replaceMine (int row, int col, char board[][MAXSIDE])


    for (int i=0; i<SIDE; i++)


        for (int j=0; j<SIDE; j++)


                // Find the first location in the board

                // which is not having a mine and put a mine

                // there.

                if (board[i][j] != '*')


                    board[i][j] = '*';

                    board[row][col] = '-';







// A Function to play Minesweeper game

void playMinesweeper ()


    // Initially the game is not over

    bool gameOver = false;

    // Actual Board and My Board

    char realBoard[MAXSIDE][MAXSIDE], myBoard[MAXSIDE][MAXSIDE];

    int movesLeft = SIDE * SIDE - MINES, x, y;

    int mines[MAXMINES][2]; // stores (x,y) coordinates of all mines.

      initialise (realBoard, myBoard);

    // Place the Mines randomly

    placeMines (mines, realBoard);


     If you want to cheat and know

     where mines are before playing the game

     then uncomment this part



    // You are in the game until you have not opened a mine

    // So keep playing

    int currentMoveIndex = 0;

    while (gameOver == false)


        printf ("Current Status of Board : \n");

        printBoard (myBoard);

        makeMove (&x, &y);

        // This is to guarantee that the first move is

        // always safe

        // If it is the first move of the game

        if (currentMoveIndex == 0)


            // If the first move itself is a mine

            // then we remove the mine from that location

            if (isMine (x, y, realBoard) == true)

                replaceMine (x, y, realBoard);


        currentMoveIndex ++;

        gameOver = playMinesweeperUtil (myBoard, realBoard, mines, x, y, &movesLeft);

        if ((gameOver == false) && (movesLeft == 0))


            printf ("\nYou won !\n");

            gameOver = true;





// A Function to choose the difficulty level

// of the game

void chooseDifficultyLevel ()



    --> BEGINNER = 9 * 9 Cells and 10 Mines

    --> INTERMEDIATE = 16 * 16 Cells and 40 Mines

    --> ADVANCED = 24 * 24 Cells and 99 Mines


    int level;

    printf ("Enter the Difficulty Level\n");

    printf ("Press 0 for BEGINNER (9 * 9 Cells and 10 Mines)\n");

    printf ("Press 1 for INTERMEDIATE (16 * 16 Cells and 40 Mines)\n");

    printf ("Press 2 for ADVANCED (24 * 24 Cells and 99 Mines)\n");

    scanf ("%d", &level);

    if (level == BEGINNER)


        SIDE = 9;

        MINES = 10;


    if (level == INTERMEDIATE)


        SIDE = 16;

        MINES = 40;


    if (level == ADVANCED)


        SIDE = 24;

        MINES = 99;




// Driver Program to test above functions

int main()


    /* Choose a level between

    --> BEGINNER = 9 * 9 Cells and 10 Mines

    --> INTERMEDIATE = 16 * 16 Cells and 40 Mines

    --> ADVANCED = 24 * 24 Cells and 99 Mines


    chooseDifficultyLevel ();

    playMinesweeper ();

    return (0);


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