
In: Computer Science

Write a python program that simulates a simple dice gambling game. The game is played as...

Write a python program that simulates a simple dice gambling game.

The game is played as follows:

  • Roll a six sided die.
  • If you roll a 1, 2 or a 3, the game is over.
  • If you roll a 4, 5, or 6, you win that many dollars ($4, $5, or $6), and then roll again.
  • With each additional roll, you have the chance to win more money, or you might roll a game-ending 1, 2, or 3, at which time the game is over and you keep whatever winnings you have accumulated.

Use the randint() function from Python's Random module to get a die roll result
(see functions for integers).

As an example, run 10,000 simulations of the game (Monte Carlo method).
Obtain the average amount won and the largest amount won.

**Make sure your simulation is set up as a function using def () with the number of simulations as input and return the average amount won and max amount won from the simulations.**


Expert Solution

The code to do so will be somewhat like this:

if the answer helped you please upvote and if you have any doubts please comment i will surely help. please take care of the indentation while copying the code. Check from the screenshots provided.


import random

def dice_roll():
# initialise the amount won to 0
won = 0
dice_val = random.randint(1,6)
# keep playing if you get a 4,5,6
while dice_val in [4,5,6]:
# add the value won to the won amount
won = won + dice_val
dice_val = random.randint(1,6)
# return the amount won
return won

def simulations(count):
# store the output from dice_roll in a list
outputs = []
for i in range(count):
# for each simulation store the output in a list
# Find the max and average
maxVal = max(outputs)
averageVal = sum(outputs)/len(outputs)
# return both the values
return maxVal, averageVal

# Test the output using a test function
maxVal, averageVal = simulations(10000)
print(f"The max value in the simulations was: {maxVal}")
print(f"The average value of the simulations was: {averageVal}")

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