In: Computer Science
Create a class named EvolutionTree which will hold a list of species and their expected age, and allow a user to search for a particular species or an age.
EvolutionTree should have private data members:
EvolutionTree should have a default constructor which should initialize the species array to empty strings ("") and initialize the speciesAges array to 0's and the following public methods:
LoadTree should read in a filename where each line is the name of a species and its expected age, separated by a comma. The method should read the file and put the appropriate data into species and speciesAges. LoadTree should return -1 for invalid filenames, and it should return 0 for valid filenames. Each species and species age will only appear once. The last line may or may not end in '\n'.
Few lines from the file to be loaded:
Human,82 Asian elephants,86 Dog,7 Cat,10
SearchForSpecies will search for a particular species' name, and return the index where that name is located. It should return -1 if the name is not found.
GetSpecies will take in an age and return the corresponding species name. It should return an empty string ("") if the age is not found.
You only need to write the class definition and any code that is required for that class. Place all code within the class definition. Our code will create and test your class.
NOTE: We have provided a function that may make the parsing easier: int split(string s, char sep, string words[], int max_words);
int split(string phrase, char delimer, string result[],
int length)
//add one more delimer in the end
phrase += delimer;
//introduce variables
string partHolder = "";
int partCounter = 0;
int phraseLength = phrase.length();
for (int i = 0; i < phraseLength; i++)
//if we do not need to split,
if (phrase[i] != delimer)
//store result in the correct position
partHolder += phrase[i];
//make postion and holder ready for a new word, store part in
result string, and count a part
if (partCounter < length && partHolder != "") //accounts
for double delimer
result[partCounter] = partHolder;
partHolder = "";
Program to search a species with name and age
Here species details store as class attribute
Method of class use for species search
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define MAX_SIZE 400
class EvolutionTree {
string species[MAX_SIZE];
int speciesAges[MAX_SIZE];
int split(string phrase, char delimer, string
result[], int length)
//add one more delimer in the
phrase += delimer;
//introduce variables
string partHolder = "";
int partCounter = 0;
int phraseLength =
for (int i = 0; i <
phraseLength; i++)
//if we do not
need to split,
if (phrase[i] !=
//store result in the correct position
partHolder += phrase[i];
//make postion and holder ready for a new word,
store part in result string, and count a part
if (partCounter < length &&
partHolder != "") //accounts for double delimer
result[partCounter] =
partHolder = "";
return 0;
//Default constructor
EvolutionTree() {
//Initialize empty string
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE;
i++) {
species[i] =
//Initialize age array as 0's
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE;
i++) {
speciesAges[i] =
//Method to load data from file to corresponding
//Array contain species name and age seperated by
//If file not found return -1
//Otherwise 0
int LoadTree(string filename) {
ifstream in(filename);
int i = 0;
string line;
if (!in) {
return -1;
while (getline(in, line)) {
split(line, ',',
result, 2);
species[i] =
= stoi(result[1]);
return 0;
//Search for a species in species array
//If found return index
//Otherwise -1
int SearchForSpecies(string speciesName) {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE;
i++) {
if (species[i]
== speciesName) {
return i;
return -1;
//will take in an age and return the corresponding
species name.
//It should return an empty string ("") if the age is
not foun
string GetSpecies(int speciesAge) {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE;
i++) {
(speciesAges[i] == speciesAge) {
return species[i];
return "";
//Main function test
int main()
//Class Object
EvolutionTree tree;
//Load a file
if (tree.LoadTree("species.txt")==0) {
cout << "File loaded
cout<<"Search for a species
using age: "<<tree.GetSpecies(82)<<endl;
cout << "Search for species
'Cat' found at the index of "
tree.SearchForSpecies("Cat") << endl;
return 0;
File loaded successfully
Search for a species using age: Human
Search for species 'Cat' found at the index of 3
I am using visual studio 2017 as editor.
I assume you are expecting this way