
In: Operations Management

Company : EMIRATES AIRLINE 4.        Page 1-2: Briefly Describe the business, mission and vision of the Emirate...


4.        Page 1-2: Briefly Describe the business, mission and vision of the Emirate Airlines

5.        Page 3-4: Briefly Describe your strategic management (what and why it is important)

6.        Page 4-6: Briefly Describe how the Emirati company manages the topic and the SWOT

7.        Page 7-9: Give Five suggestions to improve the topic.  

8.        Page 10: Five lessons you have learnt in doing this assignment.

9.        References


Expert Solution

4. business, mission and vision of Emirate Airlines -

Vision, Mission and Values of Emirates

The vision and missions of any brand is the reason for being, In branding vision, mission and values are the essential parts of successful strategic brand management. Before becoming global leading brands, companies should define clearly these key points as they shape strategy, determine companies’ directions and focuses the company’s future. The Emirates and Singapore airlines are not an exception.

The Emirates is company of lifestyle for people all over the world. Being passionate in everything they perform company defines its brand vision and mission as «The principles which propel us forward»


«To be the leader in aviation innovation, environment protection as well as the best airline in the world with a global network of coverage thanks to its strict compliance with flight safety, responsibility, reliability, product and service quality and competitiveness while making  travel without borders to change the  lives for the better».  


How Emirates will get to the place in the global aviation it wants to be?

  • To grow as the most envied service worldwide
  • To deliver the highest standards of product quality
  • Improve the comfort for clients’ pleasure
  • To remain a continued growth trends over industry
  • Invest in new technologies to satisfy customers
  • Zero major accidents/crashes
  • Remain the strategy of open sky discovering new frontiers for the customers
  • Eco-efficiency, bio-fuel usage including all the up-to-date techniques for saving fuel and emissions
  • To invest even more in employees providing customers with competitive staff

5. strategic management

Strategic Management is all about identification and description of the strategies that managers can carry so as to achieve better performance and a competitive advantage for their organization. An organization is said to have competitive advantage if its profitability is higher than the average profitability for all companies in its industry.

Strategic management can also be defined as a bundle of decisions and acts which a manager undertakes and which decides the result of the firm’s performance. The manager must have a thorough knowledge and analysis of the general and competitive organizational environment so as to take right decisions. They should conduct a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), i.e., they should make best possible utilization of strengths, minimize the organizational weaknesses, make use of arising opportunities from the business environment and shouldn’t ignore the threats.

Importance Of Strategic Management

Planning or designing a strategy involves a great deal of risk and resource assessment, ways to counter the risks, and effective utilization of resources all while trying to achieve a significant purpose.

An organization is generally established with a goal in mind, and this goal defines the purpose for its existence. All of the work carried out by the organization revolves around this particular goal, and it has to align its internal resources and external environment in a way that the goal is achieved in rational expected time.

Undoubtedly, since an organization is a big entity with probably a huge underlying investment, strategizing becomes a necessary factor for successful working internally, as well as to get feasible returns on the expended money.

Strategic Management on a corporate level normally incorporates preparation for future opportunities, risks and market trends. This makes way for the firms to analyze, examine and execute administration in a manner that is most likely to achieve the set aims. As such, strategizing or planning must be covered as the deciding administration factor.

Strategic Management and the role it plays in the accomplishments of firms has been a subject of thorough research and study for an extensive period of time now. Strategic Management in an organization ensures that goals are set, primary issues are outlined, time and resources are pivoted, functioning is consolidated, internal environment is set towards achieving the objectives, consequences and results are concurred upon, and the organization remains flexible towards any external changes.

As more and more organizations have started to realize that strategic planning is the fundamental aspect in successfully assisting them through any sudden contingencies, either internally or externally, they have started to absorb strategy management starting from the most basic administration levels. In actuality, strategy management is the essence of an absolute administration plan. For large organizations, with a complex organizational structure and extreme regimentation, strategizing is embedded at every tier.

Apart from faster and effective decision making, pursuing opportunities and directing work, strategic management assists with cutting back costs, employee motivation and gratification, counteracting threats or better, converting these threats into opportunities, predicting probable market trends, and improving overall performance.

Keeping in mind the long-term benefits to organizations, strategic planning drives them to focus on the internal environment, through encouraging and setting challenges for employees, helping them achieve personal as well as organizational objectives. At the same time, it is also ensured that external challenges are taken care of, adverse situations are tackled and threats are analyzed to turn them into probable opportunities.



Parent Company

The Emirates Group





Tagline/ Slogan

Be good to yourself, Fly Emirates; Fly Emirates. Keep Discovering


Emirates is a premium airline serving global destinations

Emirates STP


Passengers Preferring Comfort / reliability for air travel

Target Group

Corporates and Upper Class


Emirates airlines is a premium way of travelling across the globe

Emirates SWOT Analysis


1. Emirates has a strong Backing of Dubai Govt
2. Advantage of Being Present in Oil Rich Emirate
3. Strong hub in Dubai gives access to Emirates airlines across Europe and Asia
4. Satisfied Customer and Preferred Airline of Customers

5. Has a strong workforce of over 50,000 employees

6. Emirates airlines has a tremendous reach covering 70+ countries in 6 continents

7. Excellent advertising and branding through TVC, print, online ads

8. Emirates airlines has excelled in customer service, exclusive lounges, inflight entertainment etc


1. Relying Heavily on International Onward Moving Traffic

2. Intense competition means limited market share growth for Emirates and high cost of maintaining bench-mark standards


1. Brand new fleet of Emirates can be used to improve the customer confidence in the airline

2. More international destinations which are popular amongst customers

3. Joint Ventures and alliances with international players can give more business to Emirates airlines


1. Increasing Competition in Middle East Market can affect business of Emirates airlines

2. Increasing fuel costs has impact on margins

3. Changing Govt policies and regulations

ques 7 seem to be incomplete

(to improve which topic??)

8. learning from the assignment

Strategic management and its benefits can be learnt from the assignment as under:

Strategic management includes strategic planning, implementation and review/control of the strategy of an organization.

  • Sets the strategic direction to the firm-

Strategic management process clearly defines what is the desired level of performance (mission/goals/objectives) and it sets the direction so that everyone in the organization knows where are they heading towards. Strategic management act as a road map to everyone in the organization and it clearly defines the way to get to the final destination/desired level of performance.

  • Focus on critical factors of the organization-

Strategic management identifies the critical factors that are strategically important to the organization. When critical factors are identifies company can analyse and take relevant measures to ensure satisfactory performance in those areas.

  • Understanding the changing environment-

Strategic management predicts the future changes that can take place. Predicting future changes that can take place will help the organization to be proactive and take necessary steps to manage change with contingency planning and change management strategies.

  • Obtaining sustainable competitive advantage-

This is the most important and the most critical benefit of strategic planning. By a successful strategic management process company should be able to build a competitive advantage over other competitors which can be sustained overtime without being imitated or outperformed by its competitors. Strategic management identifies the competitive advantages that can be generated through strengths of the organization and take necessary steps to effectively obtain it.

  • Lead to better performance-

The successful strategic management should ensure that the company performs very well and generates profits for its owners. When the competitive advantage is built company can thrive on that to make profits and record good performance.

  • Ensure the long term survival in the market place-

Strategic management identifies opportunities and threat that influence the organizational performance. It make use of opportunities and minimize threat to make sure that company can survive in the market by outperforming its rivals.

  • Simplifies complex scenarios and develop suitable strategies-

Current business world is too complex, volatile and dynamic. A firm without strategic management finds it hards to interprets the complexities faced by the organization. In contrast firm with strategic management makes the business complexities simple, predict future dynamics and take proactive steps to minimize threats and make use of opportunities.

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