In: Anatomy and Physiology
1.which muscles would be used to turn head to right?be specific about with side muscles would be used.
2. list and describe the actions of the three muscles that attach to the coracoid process of the scapula either as the origin or the insertion.
3.List the muscles of respiration and describe their roles
4. List the assigned muscles necessary to rotate the torso to the right. identify the paired muscle involved as left or right.
5. discuss the relationship between the three cords of the branchial plexus and their position in relation to the axillary artery.
6.Describe the abdominal muscle involved in sitting up from a supine position.
7. describe the articulation points between the parts of the ribs and their corresponding point on the thoracic vertebrae.
1. The muscles used for head turning or cervical rotation is
carried by sternocleidomastoid muscle of opposite side. Right
turning of the head or right side cervical rotation is carried out
by left sternocleidomastoid muscle. Other muscles used are
trapezius and splenius group of muscles.
2. Corocaid process of the scapula gives attachment to following
muscles :
- pectoralis minor is inserted at the coracoid process. It heps
to stabilize the scapula and draws the scapula anteriorly and
- coracobrachialis originates from coracoid process and helps
shoulder flexion and adduction.
- biceps originates from coracoid process and is responsible for
forearm supination and elbow flexion.
3. The process of respiration involves inspiration and expiration.
Expiration is a passive process and do not require muscle
Rhe main muscles of inspiration are diaphragm and external
intercostal muscles. The diaphragm contraction helps in increasing
the vertical diameter of the thorax and elevation of lower
External intercostal muscles helps in upward and outward movement
of rib cage.
The other accessory muscles of inspiration are sternocleidomastoid
muscle that elevates the sternum, scalene that elevates upper ribs
and pectoralis minor.
4. The rotation of torso is known as lumbar rotation.
External and internal oblique muscle, transversus abdominis,
semispinalis of the same side i.e. right help in right rotation of
Multifidus muscle of left side causes trunk rotation on right side.