In: Nursing
⦁ 2. The following are established networks in the
aged care sector:
a. National Aged Care Alliance, and
b. Aged and Community Services Australia.
For each network provide the following:
⦁ What is the organisational structure?
⦁ What are the key stakeholders? Guidance: Identify
three (3) organisations.
⦁ its vision
⦁ its purpose, and
⦁ What opportunities for participation are available
for aged care service providers?
Guidance: Opportunities for participation may include but are not
limited to participation in activities and events held by these
What opportunities for participation are available for aged care service providers if they join National Aged Care Alliance?
Guidance: Identify two (2) opportunities.
National Aged Care Alliance:
1. Organizational Structure:The National Aged Care Alliance is a representative body of 54 peak national organisations in aged care, comprising consumer groups, providers, unions and health professionals, working together to determine a more positive future for aged care in Australia.
2. The Key Stakeholders are:Its key stakeholders are the members of both Houses of Parliament, the relevant government departments and other sectors whose interests interlink or interface with those of aged care.
A. Aged and Community Services Australia.
B. Alzheimer’s Australia.
C. Anglicare Australia.
D. Australian Liquor and Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers’
E. Australian Medical Association.
F. Australian Nursing Federation.
3. Vision:The Alliance's vision for aged care in Australia is that: All Australians have access to planned and properly resourced integrated quality aged care services that are flexible, equitable, that recognise diversity and promote choice and respect for users and workers.
4. purpose: The National Aged Care Alliance is a representative body of peak national organisations in aged care, including consumer groups, providers, unions, and health professionals, working together to determine a more positive future for aged care in Australia.
5. The following opportunities for participation are available for aged care service providers are
A. Empowering Older People.
B. Reablement.
Aged and Community Services Australia(ASCA):
1. Organizational Structure:
This organization was established in July 2012 by the Australian Government to monitor the impact of significant reforms of aged care on the funding and financing changes in the industry and on the equitable access by consumers to the sector.
2. The key Stakeholders are the main stakeholders in the aged care industry and their responsibilities. The main aged care funders are the Department of Social Services (DSS), the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA), the Department of Health, the Department of Industry, and state and territory governments.
A.A.Commonwealth and state governments.
B. Department of Social Services (DSS).
C. Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA).
3. Vision: Our mission is to advocate for, and support, our not for profit members to continue to provide high quality services valued by older people.
4. Purpose: ACSA is the leading national peak body supporting not for profit, church, charitable and for purpose providers of retirement living, community, home and residential care for older Australians..
5. The following opportunities for participation are available for aged care service providers are
Opportunities for participation could include:
A. Public campaigns and educational programs aimed at presenting a
positive image of ageing and the benefits ASCA bring to our economy
and to our society in general.
B. Governments and community organisations developing strategies to
ensure older people are involved in all community planning and
community capacity building projects.
C. Removing barriers for older people continuing in, and
re‐entering, paid employment.
D. Government undertaking an analysis of the existing barriers
preventing ASCA being involved in social, educational and leisure
and developing strategies to remove these barriers.