Solar cell A uses a semiconductor with a band gap of 1.1 eV.
Solar cell B uses a semiconductor with a band gap of 2.0 eV. Either
cell is thick enough to absorb all the light above its band gap
energy. Both cells can work together simultaneously with one on top
of the other to operate more efficiently in a small space. But
which cell has to be on top (first to receive sunlight) for both to
work simultaneously and...
The fermi function value is non zero within the band gap of a
semiconductor. if the fermi level is within the band gap. Do you
expect electrons or holes to populate
energy states within the band gap? If yes, why? If not, why?
Band gap of Si depends on the temperature as Eg =
1.17 4.73*10-4(T2/T+636) Find a concentration
of electrons in the conduction band of intrinsic (undoped) Si at T
= 77 K if at 300 K ni =