
In: Computer Science

PROGAMMING LANGUAGE: C++ Can anyone solve this assignment? Especially the extra credit part? Thanks. Please study...


Can anyone solve this assignment? Especially the extra credit part? Thanks.

Please study the code 'Stack as Array example ' posted below.

You need to implement a stack template, but this time implement the stack as a single linked list. The test of the class should be done with the same main function, slightly modified to declare a stack object and properly call the class functions.

There is a helper file in the module that shows you a sample definition of a template class. This is just an example, you do not need to implement all functionality. You could implement all functions for 5 points extra credit. If you chose to implement the additional functions, you should test them all in the driver ( main ) function.


* Stack implementation using array in C/procedural language.
//#include // For INT_MIN

#define SIZE 100

using namespace std;

/// Create a stack with capacity of 100 elements
int stack[SIZE];

/// Initially stack is empty
int top = -1;

/** Function declaration to perform push and pop on stack */
void push(int element);
int pop();
void display();

int main()
int choice, data;

/* Menu */
cout <<"------------------------------------\n";
cout <<"------------------------------------\n";
cout <<"1. Push\n";
cout <<"2. Pop\n";
cout <<"3. Size\n";
cout <<"4. Print Stack\n";
cout <<"5. Exit\n";
cout <<"------------------------------------\n";
cout <<"Enter your choice: ";

cin >>choice;

case 1:
cout <<"Enter data to push into stack: ";
cin >> data;

// Push element to stack

case 2:
data = pop();

/// If stack is not empty
if (data != INT_MIN)
cout <<"Data => " << data << endl;

case 3:
cout <<"Stack size: " << top + 1 << endl;
case 4:

case 5:
cout <<"Exiting from app.\n";

cout <<"Invalid choice, please try again.\n";

cout <<"\n\n";

return 0;

* Function to push a new element in stack.
void push(int element)
/// Check stack overflow
if (top >= SIZE)
cout <<"Stack Overflow, can't add more element element to stack.\n";

/// Increase element count in stack

/// Push element in stack
stack[top] = element;

cout <<"Data pushed to stack.\n";

* Function to pop element from top of stack.
int pop()
/// Check stack underflow
if (top < 0)
cout <<"Stack is empty.\n";

/// Throw empty stack error/exception
/// Since C does not have concept of exception
/// Hence return minimum integer value as error value
/// Later in code check if return value is INT_MIN, then
/// stack is empty
return INT_MIN;

/// Return stack top and decrease element count in stack
return stack[top--];
void display()
if ( top >=0)
for(int i = 0; i <= top ; i++ )
cout << stack[i] << " ";
cout << endl;

cout << "stack is empty\n\n";

And here is the "helper file in the module" the teacher gave us:

Assignmenmt 06 HELP -- Stack Class Template Definition

Assignment help -- linked list stack sample header file

//Header File: linkedStack.h

#ifndef H_StackType
#define H_StackType


using namespace std;

//Definition of the node
struct nodeType
Type info;
nodeType *link;

class linkedStackType:

//Overload the assignment operator.
const linkedStackType& operator=
(const linkedStackType&);

//Function to determine whether the stack is empty.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the stack is empty;
// otherwise returns false.

bool isEmptyStack() const;

//Function to determine whether the stack is full.
//Postcondition: Returns false.

bool isFullStack() const;

//Function to initialize the stack to an empty state.
//Postcondition: The stack elements are removed;
// stackTop = nullptr;

void initializeStack();

//Function to add newItem to the stack.
//Precondition: The stack exists and is not full.
//Postcondition: The stack is changed and newItem
// is added to the top of the stack.

void push(const Type& newItem);

//Function to return the top element of the stack.
//Precondition: The stack exists and is not empty.
//Postcondition: If the stack is empty, the program
// terminates; otherwise, the top
// element of the stack is returned.

Type top() const;

//Function to remove the top element of the stack.
//Precondition: The stack exists and is not empty.
//Postcondition: The stack is changed and the top
// element is removed from the stack.

void pop();

//Default constructor
//Postcondition: stackTop = nullptr;


//Copy constructor

linkedStackType(const linkedStackType& otherStack);

//Postcondition: All the elements of the stack are
// removed from the stack.

nodeType *stackTop; //pointer to the stack

void copyStack(const linkedStackType& otherStack);
//Function to make a copy of otherStack.
//Postcondition: A copy of otherStack is created and
// assigned to this stack.


Expert Solution

C++ program to implement a stack template using single linked list

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <class Type>

class n { //node class


Type info;

n<Type>* next;


template <class Type>

class linkedStackType {


n<Type>* top;


linkedStackType () {

top = nullptr;


bool isEmptyStack() {

if (top == nullptr)

return false;


return true;


Type TopEle() {

if (top)

return top->info;


cout << "Stack empty" << endl;


void push(const Type & value) {

if (top == nullptr) {

top = new n<Type>;

top->next = nullptr;

top->info = value;


else {

n<Type>* temp = new n<Type>;

temp->info = value;

temp->next = top;

top = temp;



void pop() {

if (top == nullptr) {

cout << "Stack empty" << endl;



else {

cout << top->info << " is popped out" << endl;

n<Type>* temp = top;

top = top->next;

delete temp;



void display() {

n<Type>* temp = top;

while (temp != nullptr)


cout << temp->info << " ";

temp = temp->next;




int main()

{ int size=0;

linkedStackType<int> s;

while (1)


/* Menu */

cout <<"------------------------------------\n";


cout <<"------------------------------------\n";

cout <<"1. Push\n";

cout <<"2. Pop\n";

cout <<"3. Size\n";

cout <<"4. Print Stack\n";

cout <<"5. Exit\n";

cout <<"------------------------------------\n";

cout <<"Enter your choice: ";

int choice;

cin >> choice;

switch (choice) {


cout << "Enter data to push into stack:";

int n;

cin >> n;









cout<<"Stack size is "<<size;



cout<<"Elements are ";




cout<<"Exiting from app.\n";



cout << "Invalid choice" << endl;




return 0;



----------------------------------- STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM ------------------------------------ 1. Push 2. Pop 3. Size 4. Print Stack 5. Exit ------------------------------------ Enter your choice: 1 Enter data to push into stack:5 ------------------------------------ STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM ------------------------------------ 1. Push 2. Pop 3. Size 4. Print Stack 5. Exit ------------------------------------ Enter your choice: 1 Enter data to push into stack:8 ------------------------------------ STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM ------------------------------------ 1. Push 2. Pop 3. Size 4. Print Stack 5. Exit ------------------------------------ Enter your choice: 1 Enter data to push into stack:6 ------------------------------------ STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM ------------------------------------ 1. Push 2. Pop 3. Size 4. Print Stack 5. Exit ------------------------------------ Enter your choice: 4 Elements are 6 8 5 ------------------------------------ STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM ------------------------------------ 1. Push 2. Pop 3. Size 4. Print Stack 5. Exit ------------------------------------ Enter your choice: 3 Stack size is 3------------------------------------ STACK IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM ------------------------------------ 1. Push 2. Pop 3. Size 4. Print Stack 5. Exit ------------------------------------ Enter your choice: 5 Exiting from app.

This is the output but when it copied to it,it not in correct representation.There will be proper spacing and newlines if we run it on a compiler.

if this code helps you,then please give positive rating,thankyou

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