
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Muscle                                    origin     &n

Muscle                                    origin                              insertion                       action


Zygomatic bone


Cranial aponeurosis


Zygomatic arch and maxilla


Temporal fossa

Lateral and Media; pterygoid

Greater wing of sphenoid bone


Corrugator Supercilii


Orbicularis oculi

Orbicularis Oris


Expert Solution


origin - external alveolar margins of maxilla and mandible by molar teeth, to maxillary tubercle and pterygoid hamulus and posterior mylohyoid line .

Insertion - decusstaes at modiolus of mouth and interdigitates with opposite side.

Action of buccinator - pull back the angle of mouth and flatten the cheek area which aids in holding the cheek while chewing.

2)Corrugator supercilli --

Origin -- Medial superciliary arch.

Insertion -- skin of Medial forehead.

Action -- wrinkles forehead.

3)Menatlis muscle --

Origin -- incisive fossa of.mandible .

Insertion -- skin of chin

Action -- elevates , everts and protudes lower lip.

4) orbicularis oculi --

Origin - frontal surface of orbital margin

Insertion -- lateral palpable raphe on outer part of each eye .

Action -- close the eyelid , helps on passing and draining of tears.

5) Orbicularis Oris --

Origin -- Medial aspect of maxilla and mandible, perioral skin and muscle , modiolus

Insertion -- skin and mucous Membrane of lips

Action -- closes mouth , compresses and protrudes lips.

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